What Makes Genetically Identical Hairs On Head Respond Differently To Dht ?


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The causes of male pattern baldness and FPB were revealed in recent years

Pattern baldness is probably due to gravity affecting an epigenetic imprint on HFSC. Recall Stephen Foote's theory for mechanical or fluid pressure restricting hair follicle growth. Meanwhile, George Cotsarelis et al discovered that HF and adipose cells grow separately but not independently of the other. "The secret is to regenerate hair follicles first. After that, the fat will regenerate in response to the signals from those follicles."(Cotsarelis, 2017)

'Gravity theory' may explain male pattern baldness
In youth, the scalp has sufficient fat tissue under the skin, and it is "capable of keeping itself well-hydrated," buffering the pressure on hair follicles. But with aging, the skin and underlying (subcutaneous) fat become thinner, and the pressure on the hair follicles increases. Testosterone contributes to thinning of the subcutaneous fat. In women, estrogen prevents thinning of these cushioning tissues, at least until menopause.


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Scalp environnement causes different genes to express, in that case tension, poor blood flow and hypoxia may cause this over secretion of DHT in the scalp.

And it isn't about DHT sensitivity, but more about DHT concentration.. (which is more than two fold higher in the scalp than in the serum)