
What Norwood Am I? One Side Is Much More Receded Than The Other


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My recession is so f*****g weird (and psychologically torturous) one side is significantly receded while the other is not. Im on a lot of treatments and still shed 150 - 200 hairs per day. Seriously.. What the f*** is going on? :(


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Like a 2.5. Looks a lot worse because of your natural widows peak and your long sides. Get them fuckin shaved.


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Like a 2.5. Looks a lot worse because of your natural widows peak and your long sides. Get them fuckin shaved.
That's what I've always thought but people here say I'm like NW2 and some claim I have no hair loss, I think they are crazy. I'm not ready to give up on my hair style just yet, it still looks okay but my bangs are thinning out fast. It sucks being on 4 different treatments, 3 of which are considered extreme and I'm still losing hair :(


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That's what I've always thought but people here say I'm like NW2 and some claim I have no hair loss, I think they are crazy. I'm not ready to give up on my hair style just yet, it still looks okay but my bangs are thinning out fast. It sucks being on 4 different trestments, 3 of which are considered extreme and I'm still losing hair :(
Honestly, you could be a NW2. Your widows peak is really low so it just accentuates your temple loss.

Density-wise, your hair looks solid AF, in the pics you provided at least . With shorter sides you could pull off any hairstyle and look good.


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Honestly, you could be a NW2. Your widows peak is really low so it just accentuates your temple loss.

Density-wise, your hair looks solid AF, in the pics you provided at least . With shorter sides you could pull off any hairstyle and look good.
I use a thickening shampoo, without it I can't have my hair in the style I do. Opening doors blows my hair similar to someone sticking their head out the window of a moving car.


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I use a thickening shampoo, without it I can't have my hair in the style I do. Opening doors blows my hair similar to someone sticking their head out the window of a moving car.
Lol yea mine's the same. Always has been though. I've got some Donald Trump wispy hair going on.


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You definitely have recession its similar to mine only your density is about where I was at a year ago. I didn't even notice until 7 months ago when my psycho shed started. Just today I cut mine down from about the same length to about 1.5 inches shorter. If your'e wearing bangs you have no need to shave yet. Not until they become see-through. I wish I could handle a fraction of the treatments your'e on. I think all you can do is try to allot for shedding from the treatments.


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Going by literally every thread on this forum I thought you were the best hair specialist in the world. Now you’re asking for advice ! Hmmm


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Lol yea mine's the same. Always has been though. I've got some Donald Trump wispy hair going on.
We got sh*t tier genetics :(
You definitely have recession its similar to mine only your density is about where I was at a year ago. I didn't even notice until 7 months ago when my psycho shed started. Just today I cut mine down from about the same length to about 1.5 inches shorter. If your'e wearing bangs you have no need to shave yet. Not until they become see-through. I wish I could handle a fraction of the treatments your'e on. I think all you can do is try to allot for shedding from the treatments.
This hair loss thing has really got me mentally and physically exhausted. I've managed to keep my cool until recently. Its mental torture trying treatment after treatment and still seeing the hair loss progress. The kick in the teeth so far has been despite using a transgender MTF regimen my hair still won't stop falling out! It hasn't even slowed down, not one bit. It doesn't make any sense to me, body hair is growing like crazy, dark circles in the morning, my sex drive is non existent, It takes forever to get hard.. I produce no sperm at all and my nipples are puffy.. I just don't get it.. I seem to express all the symptoms of treatment doing what its supposed to be doing yet there are no changes on my head.. Just continued thinning and recession. The only thing I have left is dutasteride, and I swore long ago I would never touch it but its literally the only thing left that I can add to my regimen. If that doesn't work that means im in the extraordinarily unlucky 0.1% of people that don't respond to a treatment regimen like this :(


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Going by literally every thread on this forum I thought you were the best hair specialist in the world. Now you’re asking for advice ! Hmmm
Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while. I'm not a hair loss specialist but I do know my fair share of knowledge.
How old are you? Why are taking estrogen?
I'm 20 and I'm taking estrogen as part of my regimen to stop hair loss. So far its not working.

Murkey Thumb

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What the f*** your 20 and taking estrogen. Dude you need to knock that on the head immediately, unless you want to go tranny. Estrogen can actually make things worse as not all of it is good for hair loss.


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What the f*** your 20 and taking estrogen. Dude you need to knock that on the head immediately, unless you want to go tranny. Estrogen can actually make things worse as not all of it is good for hair loss.
99/100 times estrogen makes hair better, I've never heard of it making hair worse, not once. The results ive seen from estrogen use range from mild to incredible regrowth no exceptions. Why do you think estrogen can make hair worse? I won't say its impossible because nothing is, but ive never heard of such a thing.


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We got sh*t tier genetics :(

This hair loss thing has really got me mentally and physically exhausted. I've managed to keep my cool until recently. Its mental torture trying treatment after treatment and still seeing the hair loss progress. The kick in the teeth so far has been despite using a transgender MTF regimen my hair still won't stop falling out! It hasn't even slowed down, not one bit. It doesn't make any sense to me, body hair is growing like crazy, dark circles in the morning, my sex drive is non existent, It takes forever to get hard.. I produce no sperm at all and my nipples are puffy.. I just don't get it.. I seem to express all the symptoms of treatment doing what its supposed to be doing yet there are no changes on my head.. Just continued thinning and recession. The only thing I have left is dutasteride, and I swore long ago I would never touch it but its literally the only thing left that I can add to my regimen. If that doesn't work that means im in the extraordinarily unlucky 0.1% of people that don't respond to a treatment regimen like this :(

Murkey thumbs concerns are warranted. I hope your'e doing sufficient amounts of research ! Losing 150 + hairs a day is without a doubt traumatizing and easily the worst kind of mental torture I have ever endured. So much so that I am temporarily relocated from my home on the west coast to my hometown in the midwest to try and figure this sh*t out. With lifestyle, mounting stress and no stabilization in loss I worry I'm to be bald in a year. I have to get this taken care of so I can buy some more time.


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Murkey thumbs concerns are warranted. I hope your'e doing sufficient amounts of research ! Losing 150 + hairs a day is without a doubt traumatizing and easily the worst kind of mental torture I have ever endured. So much so that I am temporarily relocated from my home on the west coast to my hometown in the midwest to try and figure this sh*t out. With lifestyle, mounting stress and no stabilization in loss I worry I'm to be bald in a year. I have to get this taken care of so I can buy some more time.
Yes i have done my research, and have done for almost two years now. Agreed, few things come close to the devastation of hair loss. Its amplified further when supposed treatments that seem to work for everybody else have no effect on you :(
You mentioned that you wish you could take a fraction of what I take? Have you had bad side effects from other treatments then?


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Uneven hair loss happens all the time, unfortunately.

Nature is cruel in that way. She's really a f*****g b**ch.

Murkey Thumb

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99/100 times estrogen makes hair better, I've never heard of it making hair worse, not once. The results ive seen from estrogen use range from mild to incredible regrowth no exceptions. Why do you think estrogen can make hair worse? I won't say its impossible because nothing is, but ive never heard of such a thing.
You need to read idealforeheads thread in alternative treatments "How Different Types Of Estrogen Promote (and Hinder) Hair Growth"


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You need to read idealforeheads thread in alternative treatments "How Different Types Of Estrogen Promote (and Hinder) Hair Growth"
I actually already have lol. The estrogens I'm using are pro hair and do not cause scalp hair loss. I'm hoping for a miracle turn around and my hair will start growing again.. Maybe its just wishful thinking though.. What sucks is the hairs I've been shedding for almost half a year now are thick and do not grow back like they are supposed to. Not even growing back thinner.. Just falling out and ceasing to exist completely. I feel like a hair loss enigma and anybody else doing what I'm doing would probably be NW0 juveline hairline territory. *sigh*


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Yes i have done my research, and have done for almost two years now. Agreed, few things come close to the devastation of hair loss. Its amplified further when supposed treatments that seem to work for everybody else have no effect on you :(
You mentioned that you wish you could take a fraction of what I take? Have you had bad side effects from other treatments then?

finasteride and still recovering. You have any good links to info on cyproterone for male baldness specifically ? I'd enjoy the read after losing a norwood and half and 70% density in 7 months. I need something aggressive and I know I can't take finasteride even at .025mg so I want to try a different pathway and battle the sides with other drugs or dose adjustments.


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I actually already have lol. The estrogens I'm using are pro hair and do not cause scalp hair loss. I'm hoping for a miracle turn around and my hair will start growing again.. Maybe its just wishful thinking though.. What sucks is the hairs I've been shedding for almost half a year now are thick and do not grow back like they are supposed to. Not even growing back thinner.. Just falling out and ceasing to exist completely. I feel like a hair loss enigma and anybody else doing what I'm doing would probably be NW0 juveline hairline territory. *sigh*

Are you doing anything to battle fibroses and calcification ? If the hairs aren't at least growing back weaker I would be dermarolling, using massage and other things to try to keep those follicles from disappearing completely in the meantime.