What Norwood am I


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Hey baldguy, did you at least maintain some hair? How about regrowth? My hair is maintaining but the temples and front are still losing ground. I'd say norwood 1.5 maybe 2, anyone else?


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I've been fighting this for almost 7 years, started receding when i was 21, i made the biggest mistake of my life by doing cycles of steroids. i use minoxidil a couple nights a week, would use it more but it ikrritates the skin on my face, and avodart. i use prpoecia for a couple of years before that. so i guess i've kept alot but my loss has not stopped, i would say it slowed


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short hair hides alot, if my hair was long, the way that probably look best in my hayday, you would see that my hairline looks abnormal because the side of the front hair line has receded leaving, with a very prominent widows peak. i cant do a side part which is what ive had my entire life and i cant comb it backwards because my hair grows forward, so my only option that for my hair is to keep it short, a number 3, which is a style that hate.

I think most men would handle mild balding better if there balding and hair charactericc allowed them to have a viable style option that they were comfortable with. I probably got s lower hairline and more hair then johhny knoxville or even johhny depp but i would trade my hair for theirs in a heartbeat


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i dont see any hairloss there is no norwood to talk about here...


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EXACT same hair as mine! I no the feeling. I won't take anything though, propecia interests me but id prefer to be bald then screw up my childs life when i have one.


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Norwood 1.5 yeah. You just have quite a large forehead, so even the smallest amount of reccesion is excentuated, on someone with a smaller forehead that kinda thing just isnt a concern. Basically I can see why ur concerned about your hairloss. I think you might possibly be diffusing as well. Its hard to tell. But the bottom line is your hairloss is very minor. Personally if your concerned about your hairline or whatever, you should look into a hairline lowering. I think it would make you hairloss alot less obvious.


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With the amount of hair you have you could pull off any type of hairstyle. Keep on with the same stuff because it's working, and stop worrying about your hair.