Mapleman, I totally feel for you and sympathize with you. I share so many of your feelings about hair loss, and experienced some of them too. Hair loss exacerbates other issues that were previously manageable or even dormant. You say how you suffered from social anxiety and depression. Despite the fact, that I became an outgoing young man, I was shy kid. But I broke out of my shell eventually and I liked the person that I became. Now that I am suffering from hair loss though, I fear that I am going to end up right back where I started, as that shy kid once again. On the positive side, Buckthorn is right in that most people in life will not care whether you are balding or not. I was just at the football bar and there were several completely bald guys there and I couldn't have cared less. Neither could anyone else at the bar. If you would've walked into the bar as a diffused NW3, no one would've cared. What I care about (and probably what you care about too) is how hair loss has caused me to feel about my reflection in the mirror and my identity, and also my prospects with regards to dating attractive women. Although a regular guy at the bar will not care whether I am losing my hair, I know that the woman that I am dating surely will. Lastly, although I strongly advise you NOT to take any transgender medication, I can (believe it or not) totally understand where you are coming from. Despite getting really bad side effects from finasteride, I stayed on it for quite a while after that (and soldiered through the side effects) because I was that vigilant about not living life as a bald man.
Macaronaroni is totally right. To the degree of devastation that hair loss causes people, it is absolutely unconscionable that we are living with such limited treatments and no cure. I think it's due to the fact that most (if not all) of non hair loss sufferers do not understand the plight of people who do suffer from hair loss. Their opinions range from wishful thinking to downright clueless. Yet you know that if they themselves were losing their hair, that they'd know exactly where you are coming from. Even lots of people with minimal hair loss (like an NW2) cannot even begin to fathom the plight of an NW6. When you are satisfied with your appearance, you are more motivated to get out there and succeed in virtually every facet of life. But since my hair loss started, I've become more withdrawn, moody, and angry. Hair loss just consumes every aspect of your life, and you view life differently. I really wish that those with no hair loss or very minimal hair loss were able to live life for even a day as a bald man. Then they'd know exactly how we'd feel and their clueless opinions would vanish.
Doctor House, that is a nice post. I've never really cared about what most people think, but instead about how I viewed myself. When I was very overweight from powerlifting, I had several friends and family members tell me to adopt a more normal look. Yet I liked the way that I looked, and since I was secure in who I was, I didn't really care what anyone else thought. The problem is that most of us hate the way that we look as balding men. Sure, we do not want to get ridiculed by others for being bald. But we also do not want to get up, look in the mirror, and hate the way that we look.