what type of foods do you guys eat


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im 18 and completely ruined by hair loss, now im afraid to eat anything out of fear it will add to my hair loss. what are some hair safe foods. im afraid my diet is making things worse.


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Stay away from excessive SALT! Lay off any Salty foods or sauce.


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Don't eat junk bro. Use common sense. There's nothing to eating right.


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like Axon said dont eat crap..

I usually eat alot of italian food,but I make sure to keep up on my vegies.

i really love fruit so i dont really pay to much attention to how much of that i eat....

And above all drink water..and lots of it.

hair mchair

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My advice if you're worried about your hair: get on a good regimen, don't eat junk food, and don't worry about the rest. Avoid eating an excessive amount of animal products since there is some evidence linking that to hairloss. It will be good for your general health anyway, since Americans tend to eat too many animal products. Also try to avoid eating a lot of processed foods.

hair mchair

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hopewas said:
so i shouldn't eat tuna or chicken? i'm assuming you mean red meat

Some people think that the Japanese have higher rates of hairloss than they did in the past because they have shifted their eating habits to more closely resemble how we eat here in the West. Specifically, they eat more meat. I read that in the Bald Truth. Make of it what you will.

By meat, I mean animal flesh in general. Although, I could be wrong about that. Maybe they were referring to red meat specifically. I'll have to go look it up later.

I recommend eating not just for your hair, but your health in general. I think Americans overdo it on the animal products. But it's also true that Americans eat like sh!t in general. I wouldn't soley blame the overconsumption of animal products for all of the various health problems we tend to have, but I do think it's a major factor.


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The Japanese, to my knowledge, have been eating fish forever. I think the "meat" in that article refers to more Westernized meat like red meat. The Japanese also have a diet rich in soy which probably helps their hair situation.



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I think americans just eat like sh*t and dont exercise on top of it.......thats why a quarter of all children in this country are overweight.

Also does anybody else think this whole Carb bullshit is getting way out of hand.....i mean people are getting brainwashed into thinking if they cut out carbs and still eat 2000 calories a day with out exercise they will loose weight........some stupid people out there.


I mainly eat cake, I believe all the major food groups: carbohydroids, protons, fat and chicken all live in cake, it ain't done me no harm.

milk is a blood product, do not start the day by drinking a pint of animal protein.

must sleep....


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tynanW said:
I mainly eat cake, I believe all the major food groups: carbohydroids, protons, fat and chicken all live in cake, it ain't done me no harm.

milk is a blood product, do not start the day by drinking a pint of animal protein.

must sleep....

I eat fried animal fat with cream filled centers.



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I usually follow the ABS Diet, it is a mens health book, great book if you are into losing some weight and putting on some muscle, but I do it because I like the meal plan, none of that cutting out carbs crap just eating the right ones. I feel great too as far as energy goes. Plus it has its advantages.


cassin said:
I eat fried animal fat with cream filled centers.


mmmmmmm...a whole boiled chickens taste nice too, always eat their faces first...mmmmmm


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cassin said:
tynanW said:
I mainly eat cake, I believe all the major food groups: carbohydroids, protons, fat and chicken all live in cake, it ain't done me no harm.

milk is a blood product, do not start the day by drinking a pint of animal protein.

must sleep....

I eat fried animal fat with cream filled centers.


mmmmmmmm... creamy filled centers....


Cut down on food that is high on cholesterol - cholesterol is the building block for testosterone which when turned into DHT kills hair - if you are sensitive to it.

That´s the only thing I can think of.