what type of foods do you guys eat


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Everything posted above is pretty much BS. There has been no scientific evidence that has provided a definitive answer if a correlation exists between diet and hair loss. The only diet that will have any siginificant adverse effect on hair loss is UNDERNOURISHMENT and this has nothing to do with male pattern baldness. Any undernourished person experiencing hairloss (if its not a result of male pattern baldness) will regain the hair they have lost caused by their poor diet.

Obviously since we're all going bald we should eat healthy and work out so we can draw some attention away from our bald heads.


nesta said:
Cut down on food that is high on cholesterol - cholesterol is the building block for testosterone which when turned into DHT kills hair - if you are sensitive to it.

That´s the only thing I can think of.

no link between dietry cholesterol and blood levels

The Gardener

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My diet:

I wake up and have a couple cups of green tea, with honey and lemon. I follow that up with my daily vitamin shake.

Get to work and have breakfast which is usually an english muffin with a slice of deli meat and slice of cheese, a glass of soy milk, and a banana. Sometimes (about once a week) I forego the usual and end up walking down to the commissary for a nice Mexican Breakfast Burrito, consisting of diced ham, sausage, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and cheese all wrapped up in a nice flour tortilla with two scrambled eggs and a liberal dousing of Tapatio. Good sh*t.

At about 10am I have a piece of fruit and a big handful of nuts.

At noon, I have lunch, which can vary but I try to keep it light. No fast food, ever, unless I am in a real hurry and even then I try to have Subway or the like. I have a rule, I avoid fried foods. No chips, no fries, etc. When I return to the office after lunch, I have another cup of green tea.

At about 3pm, I have a Balance bar (protein bar).

At anywhere between 5:30pm and 7pm, I get off work and hit the gym. After that, I have dinner which is usually some sort of poultry. Sometimes I marinade some chicken breasts and have them with brown rice, which is a delicious and great alternative to white rice. If you aren't into the brown rice, try cooking it using chicken broth instead of water, and a dash of curry. Oh hell yes, really good! Or, a nice chicken curry with brown rice, or I brown some ground turkey, add in some bottled spaghetti sauce, and serve over pasta. All are served with a very large green salad (I use red lettuce blends, not iceberg which are devoid of good nutrients), a half avocado if I can afford it that week, a raw carrot, and a glass of non-fat milk (served ice cold.. f*** yeah!). I usually only eat beef when I eat out at a restaurant. Hey, if you are eating out at a restaurant, why order the chicken? And when at a restaurant, I stick to red wine if I want alcohol.


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haha, being as pathetic as i am browsing the forums at midnight, i read gardener's post and got so hungry, i had some tasty chicken pot pie


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i read dairy is bad, i lov emilk, drink like half gallon a day, now i have to give that up, hair loss is life changing and no, its not all in my head, its in everything i do