What women think of hair loss article...


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What they say and what they really think are 2 different things. I'm sure its a sliding scale though and what a 20 yr old wants is totally different to what a 30 or 40 yr old wants.


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s.a.f said:
What they say and what they really think are 2 different things. I'm sure its a sliding scale though and what a 20 yr old wants is totally different to what a 30 or 40 yr old wants.

It's all about going for what's in your league though. Not many 20 year olds deal with extreme noticeable balding, and girls don't generally notice receeding/mild thinning. If you're a 40 year old trying it on with a 20 year old, the fact that you're bald is unlikely to be the only reason she ignores you.

Not many 16 year olds will have the same opinion either...etc.

Anyway that article doesn't suprise me, personally I've not spoken to a women who's ever said 'baldness' as a turn off. Of course there are some out there, but probably not as many as you think when you're paranoid about losing hair.


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this is just stupid. ok, maybe for men in their 40s it is no big deal. but for guys balding in their early 20s, it is a huge deal with girls, no matter what anyone says


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Anthony83 said:
this is just stupid. ok, maybe for men in their 40s it is no big deal. but for guys balding in their early 20s, it is a huge deal with girls, no matter what anyone says

No doubt it's an 'huge' issue to some. From personal observation though, none of my friends with major hairloss issues have trouble getting girls.

They've got other things going for them though to be fair, good personality, generally look ok/good looking and confidence (Don't think they care about their hair)...probably why some balding men do much better with the ladies than others.


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As said it's fair enough for men at maybe 30 35+

but when it comes to a 22 yr old with a bald head, it's a huge HUGE differnece.

Women at ages 25minus, only care for looks & money,
they don't want you as a supporter, neither a husband to spend their future with.
It's suppose to be the best time of their life,
just for having fun. Your looks and money, the way other people will look @ HER when they see HER around you, that's what matters.

I believe @ ages 30+ it's ok to start thinning a little, by time, (not 2 months and BOOM - no hair).
It's kinda how nature's suppose to work.

I'm at age 21,
And still didn't find anyone , but none that wants me with my bald hair.
It's just un-attractive,

I don't have the best personality, I don't know how to charm women and all that crap and I never will actually,
I always thought my looks will save my *** one day,
but when the male pattern baldness started that also was not an option.

Fuckin life. all crap.

uncomfortable man

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You're 21 and you're not bald. Bald is an advanced nw4 and up. You are nw2 tops with plenty of hair on top of your head that you can save and even see regrowth if you just get on the meds. Your not doomed, your just exaggerating your situation. :shakehead: As far as the article goes, seen plenty like them that try to make bald guys feel better. If you ever search for bald in yahoo answers you get a whole bunch of questions asking women if they think bald guys are unattractive. Most of the answers are cookie cutter cliches like looks aren't important and it's whats on the inside that counts, but like saf said women say one thing but mean another. They don't want to come across as mean or shallow but when it comes down to it, they wouldn't date a bald guy themselves...Oh, but I'm sure there some women out there that don't mind and might even like it. Yeah, they are 56 year olds with bald husbands. :shakehead: I think the true test for me would be to go on an internet dating site, put up my profile with a picture and see if I get any responses. Either I will be proved right or proved wrong but I won't know until I try.


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Gboy2k8 said:
I'm at age 21,
And still didn't find anyone , but none that wants me with my bald hair.
It's just un-attractive,

I don't have the best personality, I don't know how to charm women and all that crap and I never will actually,
I always thought my looks will save my *** one day,

but when the male pattern baldness started that also was not an option.

Fuckin life. all crap.

This and your extremely negative attitude (considering you're far from bald) is probably as big a hinderence as your hair to be honest.

If you're 21 and visibly balding it makes it harder, but not impossible (and far from it). In college I knew loads of balding guys (With far worse hair than you, and competely bald mature students in their late 20s) who got by just fine with the girls. Come to think of it, they didn't get much banter about their hairloss either.

I think the true test for me would be to go on an internet dating site, put up my profile with a picture and see if I get any responses. Either I will be proved right or proved wrong but I won't know until I try.

Take a good pic, shaved head, bit of a tan, good smart clothes, pick the right age catorgory (Don't say you're after an 18 year old) and you may be pleasently suprised.


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uncomfortable man said:
You're 21 and you're not bald. Bald is an advanced nw4 and up. You are nw2 tops with plenty of hair on top of your head that you can save and even see regrowth if you just get on the meds. Your not doomed, your just exaggerating your situation. :shakehead: As far as the article goes, seen plenty like them that try to make bald guys feel better. If you ever search for bald in yahoo answers you get a whole bunch of questions asking women if they think bald guys are unattractive. Most of the answers are cookie cutter cliches like looks aren't important and it's whats on the inside that counts, but like saf said women say one thing but mean another. They don't want to come across as mean or shallow but when it comes down to it, they wouldn't date a bald guy themselves...Oh, but I'm sure there some women out there that don't mind and might even like it. Yeah, they are 56 year olds with bald husbands. :shakehead: I think the true test for me would be to go on an internet dating site, put up my profile with a picture and see if I get any responses. Either I will be proved right or proved wrong but I won't know until I try.

So, your daugther's mother hates your bald head, assuming she's not 56?


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Yeah most people that are on here have normal rates of balding, i.e. nw3's in their late 20's, early 30's. They don't anything to worry about. The only people that are truly screwed are the few people that are headed towards nw7's by 22/23 like myself.

uncomfortable man

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Reading through yahoo answers today, I found some offensive responses to questions regarding baldness. One response in particular said, "Sorry, I just don't like bald guys. I think they're gross." Which got me to thinking about the difference between preference and prejudice. Most people would defend her statement by saying that is just her preference and I shouldn't be offended by it. But isn't hating someone based solely on their appearance constitute prejudice? Let's replace the word "bald" with "black". If anyone today were to say that they "Don't like black people." how could that not sound racist? I think people like to generalize demographics and use "preference" to hide their prejudice. I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to her opinion, but to say that you don't like an entire group of people for whatever reason is just plain prejudice. Just calling it what it is.


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uncomfortable man said:
Reading through yahoo answers today, I found some offensive responses to questions regarding baldness. One response in particular said, "Sorry, I just don't like bald guys. I think they're gross." Which got me to thinking about the difference between preference and prejudice. Most people would defend her statement by saying that is just her preference and I shouldn't be offended by it. But isn't hating someone based solely on their appearance constitute prejudice? Let's replace the word "bald" with "black". If anyone today were to say that they "Don't like black people." how could that not sound racist? I think people like to generalize demographics and use "preference" to hide their prejudice. I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to her opinion, but to say that you don't like an entire group of people for whatever reason is just plain prejudice. Just calling it what it is.

You're comparing two different things. Saying 'I don't like black people' is not the same as 'I wouldn't date a black person'. Either way, yes it's prejudice, as it saying 'Bald people are gross' - Every preference can be prejudicial against another class, it's just how the world works, we all have preferences and therefore prejudices. The reason it's seen far worse to be prejudice against a black person is probably for historical reasons. Black people have been and very much still are discriminated against to a horrific extent (Killings, beatings, racist abuse, torture, apartheid, segregation etc). Bald people, with the except of losing a few dates, are not really. And saying that, I bet black men lose more women (In some cultures anyway) than bald men as a lot of woman 'Don't like blacks'.

uncomfortable man

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I realize it is unfair to compare bald people to black people, considering everything that black people have been through. And you're right that preference falls under the category of prejudice, as does racism. Just different extremes. When you look at it that way, I guess you can say that I am even prejudice against myself, since I hate the way I look.


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uncomfortable man said:
When you look at it that way, I guess you can say that I am even prejudice against myself, since I hate the way I look.

That's not a good way to be dude. I mean, we all wish we could have thick hair for life, and it gets us all down at times (Obviously it's worse the balder you are). But even ugly people often accept the way they look - 'So what, they were born like that' you say? But then people who are amputees, facial scar/burns and get alopecia (Both far worse) often come to some sort of acceptance. The way I see it (Not necessarily the way it is as I'm not bald) but it's easier to accept being bald as you know you'll look the same in 10 years and things can't get worse. Where as if you were balding fast, watching yourself get 'uglier and older' month by month means acceptance can't happen as you'll need to work on accepting a different look every year, only to get balder the next year and need to work on accepting another look etc.

Acceptance needs to be worked on though, it doesn't happen overnight. You need to mentally re-program yourself.


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Fundi said:
uncomfortable man said:
When you look at it that way, I guess you can say that I am even prejudice against myself, since I hate the way I look.

Acceptance needs to be worked on though, it doesn't happen overnight. You need to mentally re-program yourself.

It doesn't matter how hard we try, uncomfortable man refuses to work on acceptance or to re-programming his mental setup.


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The reason I posted this wasn't to prove that women don't care about hair loss. It wasn't posted to prove anything. It was merely to suggest that there ARE women out there who don't put as much stock in hair as some others. Does hair matter as far as looks go? Yes. We can't change that and nothing ever will. There are ways to cope with it though and I think it makes the most sense to go that route.

uncomfortable man

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No, I do believe there are women out there who don't mind baldness. Probably because their father was bald and she was conditioned to love and accept him for who he was, so she is not as phased as other women are when she sees a bald man. I also think that male pattern baldness isn't something that is on the forefront of most womens minds as a negative trait that they must avoid. But I think for alot of women, they just consider a full head of hair to be a given, like having control over your bowels- they don't put that on their list of requirements, but if they met a guy who later confessed that he has to wear a cholostomy bag, then they realize all the sudden that that is an undesirable trait that they can't accept. Not having hair is kinda the same way as that.


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I would never date a bald woman.
Same way I wouldn't date a fat one.

I just can't .

so I can't judge women who wouldn't date me ,
that's life, and that's just me.
(and most women won't date me with my current looks.)

uncomfortable man

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Don't take this the wrong way gk, but it is not your looks dude (seen your picture). Imo, the reason for your suffering is that you are holding yourself up to a standard (maybe unrealistic) that expects you to have sex with lots of women. You've got the psychological affliction of virgins disease and the only way to cure it is to sleep with a woman and until you do you are going to have a strong "what is wrong with me" vibe that is frankly counter productive. I know, I went through it at your age too. Let me ask you this, do you have any intrests besides trying to get laid, you know something else you can focus on?