You know I had to quit using Alpicort right? I used it for 4 months, and during that time I had numerous side effects which in the end forced me to quit.
Yes it grows hair nicely (At least it did for me) BUT - the estrogen goes systemic, that much is obvious, and with it all the anti-male side effects that you have to put up with.
If the average male makes around 0.045 mg of estrogen daily, and Alpicort F has a concentration of 0.005% of estradiol, by applying 2 mL of Alpicort F to your scalp (and you need at least that much to cover a diffusing head) - you just applied 0.10 mg of estradiol which is twice the amount a man would normally produce. If it all goes systemic, and most of it will, you will have a bad time.
Even if you could get your hands on it - you would not be able to function properly as a male, your girlfriend would leave you because you'd only be getting hard once a week, and barely.
Even RU makes a hit on libido, moods and other things (in my case). It's just impossible to fight hair loss without side effects with the current methods. Anti-androgens, estrogens, anything hormonal, damages my libido and well being, but I have to take sh*t like this, just to not go bald. It sucks, but for the time being, it's either feel like *** or go bald. That's my situation.