What's your experience with discussing hair loss to people IRL?


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I'm just curious. Was dating this girl back in March and April and she asked why I seemed depressed. I explained my situation with the transplants and losing half my hair and how I just f*****g hate it cause I look old. She replied "I'm having trouble having sympathy". I said then why the f*** did you ask and ended it because she was kind of a b**ch anyways.
Dumb to ever mention it to anyone even closest friends. Even when you've had a bad transplant with a big scar on the back... the KICKER is, they won't even talk about it or show sympathy but they are insecure as f*** about their own hair loss.

Same with my family. If I mention it super nice about it, but then if I take my hat off, weird looks.

I will tell you this, I have gotten a lot better this summer at caring less what others think and have been focusing what I can control. I'm down 30lbs from a year ago to 185lbs. Ideal weight is 175ish. I eat like a f*****g hippy. I am also starting to control anything I'm able to. That's what going bald can do for you. That's about it.


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My Regimen
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Hasn't really come up much, one of my friends has made remarks/jokes here and there about my hair loss, but now he's balding even worse than me.


My Regimen
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Nobody talk about his hair transplant