Whats your reason for wanting hair back?


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Whats the reason? do you want hair cause you liked having it and it was just your thing, or do you want it to "fit in"? be honest, how many wouldnt give a damn if all of a sudden being bald was the new trend? reason im saying this because if you want hair cause you liked it etc then fair does, but doing it to make "society" happy is never the way to go in my opinion, cause when will it end? you will always be changing yourself or worrying etc, and thats not the way to go is it? i just hope you all doing whatever it is you want to do with your hair worry for yourself, and not because deep down you couldnt care less but just doing it to please who ever, just my opinion, obviously i cant control anyone lol, take care.


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"Why would you want to remain in a position of inferiority" cause it shouldnt matter what "they" think, only you, what if all of a sudden they start dissing lets say your ears, nose, etc etc, what then? plastic surgery? when does it end? is basically my point. Doing it cause you WANT hair for whatever reason is fine cause you doing it for you.

My problem to begin with was what others thought aswell, it annoys me to think i let it happen but is what it is.


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I just liked the way I looked with good hair. Sense of pride in appearance and your hard work in healthy living is paying off. No point in working out and eating right if you still look and feel like youre dying a slow death. I mean I will always be healthy and try my hardest but it does get frustrating at time.
The hair transplant helped imenseley though.


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I just liked the way I looked with good hair. Sense of pride in appearance and your hard work in healthy living is paying off. No point in working out and eating right if you still look and feel like youre dying a slow death. I mean I will always be healthy and try my hardest but it does get frustrating at time.
The hair transplant helped imenseley though.

I hope you do keep being healthy with whatever happens, physically and mentally, keep your head up and keep going.


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Doesn't matter what people say, the motive is to get women and increase your chances of reproducing, subconsciously or not all the reasons will lead to that.


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Doesn't matter what people say, the motive is to get women and increase your chances of reproducing, subconsciously or not all the reasons will lead to that.

"the motive is to get women and increase your chances of reproducing" And thats not gonna happen if people keep feeling sorry for themselves here...is it? regardless if you have hair or not.


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So I can look at myself in the mirror and like what I see.


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"the motive is to get women and increase your chances of reproducing" And thats not gonna happen if people keep feeling sorry for themselves here...is it? regardless if you have hair or not.

Venting helps, some people like to hit a punching bag while others prefer to let it got on the internet. You can't interpret everything that people say here verbatim.


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Venting helps, some people like to hit a punching bag while others prefer to let it got on the internet. You can't interpret everything that people say here verbatim.

I mentioned in another thread here, my postivity thread the second one, that venting is fine we all do it, but im sure most here have gone beyond that, and thats not good is it?


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Why would I NOT want my hair back? That would be like saying I do not want my life back. That I want to remain a miserable sub-human version of myself for the rest of my life. My hair is my life, simple as that. And I want my life back, so I guess that's my reason for wanting my hair back.
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Ultimately, so I don't have to constantly think about hair. The days of just being able to go past a mirror without looking to see if your hair is all in place so it doesn't show any thin areas - or even simple things like drying your wet hands on your hair. It isn't all just about the aesthetic elements and the look, but just basic/simple things that I used to take for granted.


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I want again become a privilegged fullhead and laugh at those baldheaded loosers, who dont deserve to live on our planet with us.


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I want again become a privilegged fullhead and laugh at those baldheaded loosers, who dont deserve to live on our planet with us.



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I too want my hair back. I too don't need to feel the persistent threat of being an easy target, from my hypercritical self or from another obsequious body's cheap attempts at feigning a tough shell.

So when the paranoia attached to this fear (real and/or unfounded) can be eliminated once and for all a great burden is finally lifted. On a personal level it is very tiring to carry on about the daily ill-effects of my hair loss. I've had my fill checking off the long list of excuses that hinder my pursuit(s) of becoming a better person.

Hair loss is my societal stumbling block. Everywhere I turn to look for comfort and understanding or better coping tools/technology we are told to settle or compromise. When our options to attain progress are reduced to self help rhetoric and flimsy science tactics., it would seem that once more I am left to rely on my own willpower to circumvent the mountain before me.

When I am forced to face the reality that my prospects for escape/rescue from male pattern baldness are doomed, even the bed I deliberately rise from each morning becomes a hard place to fall.


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Danny Boy I don't think you've crossed the dreaded Norwood 3 boundary and hence you're asking these questions and trying to prove everyone's reasons illegitimate or unreasonable. Please clarify your Norwood stage if you want my answer. Otherwise you can ask yourself this same question in a few years time once you reach Norwood 4 or 5.


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Danny Boy I don't think you've crossed the dreaded Norwood 3 boundary and hence you're asking these questions and trying to prove everyone's reasons illegitimate or unreasonable. Please clarify your Norwood stage if you want my answer. Otherwise you can ask yourself this same question in a few years time once you reach Norwood 4 or 5.

My hairline starts in the middle of my head, well it looks that way when shaved until it grows out and it looks like the typical horseshoe pattern, i mean there is patchy hairs at the back but in the sun, it dont matter lol, i dont know what Norwood that is though.


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My whole image pivoted on my hair. Long curly hair, sunkissed skin, surfer, extreme sports etc...

When I went bald I was basically unrecognisable to most of the people I grew up with, it was a pretty drastic transition. In addition there was death of family members as I was losing hair which reinforced that negative association.

I've come to terms with the fact that I'll never get my hair back. I'll be happy with maintaining the faint hairline that I have at the moment.