
When does Finasteride max out? It's working for me.

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Hello, I'm 29 and coming up on 6 months of treatment on finasteride. When I started, I was a NW3 with a mildly thinning crown. So I started treatment fairly early before things got worse.

I've been a good responder to finasteride. I went through a few pretty good sheds in the initial three months of treatment...but since then, have seen nothing but improvement all over...including in the front. My hair just looks healthier and thicker all around in general. The single hairs that shed on occasion (into the sink, etc) are looking so much more noticeably thicker (I have dark hair, so it's easy to tell). It's really amazing (the 'naked eye' improvement I can see in those single strands).

My question is...when does finasteride max out? I'd say I'm getting closer to my old NW2, although still a little thin in the crown....but I'm reversing it for sure. Will it continue to get better? Could I get all the way back to my old NW1? I'm coming up on 6 months now (approx 15 days) and I'm finally seeing these legitimate results (after sheds and patience)...I hope improvement continues into months 9, 12, 18, and 24....and maybe beyond...

Are these reasonable expectations?


Senior Member
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I'm not sure there is s time for it, it seems different for everyone.

With my own regimen based on finasteride I continued to experience regrowth for years, some people only seem to maintain while others see no effect whatsoever.

I would suggest taking monthly photos from the same angle using the same lighting / flash settings and keep a record of your progress.


Experienced Member
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It's different for everyone.. sounds like you are one of the lucky "super responders" so congrats.. no telling how much improvement you might see.

I'm coming up on 3 years and started around a NW2.5/NW3 too. I regrew some on my vertex, and stopped the temple recesssion, but not much regrowth there.

I'm just hoping it keeps working for me 5, 10, 15+ years down the road!