When is the right time to get a Fue hair transplant?


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Ok so i want to get a FUE hair transplant but id prefer to do it in a way that means my hair looks fine but also reduces how many more transplants i might need. Originally i was going to get a full transplant to get a full hairline back. But i think getting to a decent point that i can keep might be good enough.

I really want to improve myself. So i been going to the gym, But that is totally destroying my hairline. it feels like a matter of time before i take a huge hit and im already struggling to style my hair as I'm around the norwood 3 point

I can't use finasteride or minoxidil because they really increase the receding and give me scalp inflammation. so transplant is my only choice to be happy with myself :(. which is obviously not what id have preferred but here we are :(

My question is. what point in the receding process should i get a transplant? to minimize how many i would need.


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My hair loss started when I was 25 I'm 37 now. Probably a Norwood 4 I'm going to do the hair transplant now. I think my hair loss is done after observing my older brother


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My Regimen
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Determining the right time for a FUE hair transplant depends on several factors, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Here's a breakdown of some key considerations to help you make an informed decision:

  • Generally not recommended before 25: Your hairline and hair loss pattern is likely still maturing before this age, making it difficult to predict future hair loss and plan the transplant effectively.
  • Ideal range: 25-40: Hair loss tends to stabilize in this age group, allowing for a more accurate assessment and potentially longer-lasting results.
  • Possible after 40: While still feasible, extensive balding at this stage might require a larger number of grafts and potentially necessitate alternative transplant techniques like FUT.

Hair loss pattern and severity:
  • Consider the Norwood Hair Loss Scale: This scale categorizes male pattern baldness into seven stages, helping gauge the extent of hair loss and suitability for FUE.
  • Early stages (1-3): Medications or other non-surgical options might be sufficient.
  • Moderate stages (4-5): FUE can be highly effective, especially for targeted areas like the hairline.
  • Advanced stages (6-7): FUE might still be viable, but may require a larger number of grafts and potentially combined with other procedures.


My Regimen
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Hello, the sooner the better!

We work with only 3 Clinics in Turkey. 2 are based in Istanbul & 1 in Turkey. We chose the clinics very carefully, making sure they are fully registered with the Turkish Health Ministry. All the hair transplants are FUE, insuring the procedure is as effective as possible.

In our price we include the flights & hotel for your 3 daystar, as well as private transfers from the Airport to the Hotel. We take care of everything, ensuring there are no corners cut in the process, we know how important your health is.

Services Included:
- FUE Hair Transplant
- Business Lounge at The Airport
- VIP Transfers from Airport to Hotel
- 3 day stay in a 5* Hotel
- Guided tours

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