When to get hair transplant?


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Hi guys! Just wanted to ask your opinion on when or if I should get a hair transplant in the next 6 months or so?

History: started seeing hair receeding/thinning at 21/22 started rogaine, used it for about 7-8 years. Maintained the hair quite well, although was losing ground slowly. Switched to 12.5% minoxidil 1x a day for 1 year. After seeing still losing ground switched to Maxogen X 1x per day (to add finasteride in regimine) and seems like its helping, and maybe growing baby hairs again... been on it abt 8 months, but only use 0.4ml instead of the full 1ml application once a day only on temples/hairline. Currently 32 years of age.

My question is, i cant really tell if im losing or regaining the hairline back as theres lots of new hairs but same time feels like temples are receeding... considering doing a hair transplant with DR. RAHAL. I did do a consultation about 3 years ago, and he said I needed about 1500 grafts to make it look good.

Current photos are attached, please let me know what route I should take! Thank you


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nope! As you can see, the temples have recession, that is what I am mainly concerned about, and the hairline seems to be thinning also. I do get it, its not a nw2 or nw3 but getting there slowly so trying to address the issue early than later.


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Here is another pic from 2 weeks ago, with hair wet. Previous pics was with dry hair... you can clearly see the receeding not sure why you guys are taking as a joke...


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I don't see the point in getting a hair transplant at this moment.


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+2 month update, not sure if losing ground or old growing back strong... feels like its getting worse.


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I remember reading many years ago on this forum that Norwood 5 is when you have actually entered the realm of requiring a hair transplant for optimum results. If you want to get a hair transplant below Norwood 5 maybe just do a small one. Otherwise drugs and Nizoral Shampoo are your best first line of defense. Finasteride, dutastaride,minoxidil, etc.
I have been on all of the drugs and the Nizoral shampoo since 2007 and had very good results. Oh and also don’t forget you can use hair dye to additionally conceal male pattern hair loss while at the same time eliminating some gray.


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Ive been on minoxidil past 12 years +/-. Started with rogaine for first 7-8 years, then slowly got busy with life so decided cant keep up with 2x a day application, so started 12.5% minoxidil once a day. Went back and forth with 12.5% and 10% once a day for about 2-3 years, but started missing daily application because I was getting sore/dry eyes and pain/irritation from the higher concentration of minoxidil. Now for the past 9 months, ive been on minoxidil max 7.5% minoxidil + 0.1 finasteride, and seeing weird changes in hair. Hairline keeps looking weird, some days feels lesss dense, other days feels like im gaining. Finally have all these hairs sprouting, but they could just be the hairs I lost because of the new change... been seeing about 100-200 hairs fall daily past month. Literally can keep rubbing my head and hair keeps falling out in sink, doesnt stop! Hopefully it is just a shedding phase. Lets hope and see, will update again in 2 months. Cheers and thank you!


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You NEED to be sure you're maintaining on meds BEFORE even considering a hair transplant. Please learn from my terrible mistakes. You can ruin your life very quickly by jumping into it.


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I don't see any point for hair transplant.I think you need topical finasteride to hold the frontal and temple that's what I'm doing now. Beacuse i have the same phase(norwood 2) like yours.my hairline thinning and both temples are going in.
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Thank you for your reply! Ive been using the topical finasteride nd min for past 10 months now, still doesnt feel it has stabalized as i seeing hair fall like crazy and small hairs everywhere although feels like its pushing back slighty a little but not sure! Will continue with topical, see how it goes for another 3-4 months to maybe consider the hair transplant.


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Thank you for your reply! Ive been using the topical finasteride nd min for past 10 months now, still doesnt feel it has stabalized as i seeing hair fall like crazy and small hairs everywhere although feels like its pushing back slighty a little but not sure! Will continue with topical, see how it goes for another 3-4 months to maybe consider the hair transplant.
I don't think the transplant is optional. If you have a receding hairline, after the surgery your hair and scalp is still getting worse. And after the transplant you still need finasteride to hold your transplanted frontal hair.So we can picture this.After the transplant,there is a chance that your hair shedding skips your frontal hair, in case that you dont take finasteride.If so your scalp will be exactly what a lagoon or the Mediterranean looks like.If finasteride is necessary and inevitable, Why Bother Hair Transplant. For me, Hairtransplant is a big scam of consumerism and capitalism. It's just a camouflage that eventually(3 or 5 years) falls off without finasteride application(Because the grave problem of DHT hasn't been solved even controlled). If so why dont we just buy a wig.

Like I said, we have the same hair shedding phase. And I think topical fina and min are working on me. Just relax and be positive and have faith


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I just saw your regimen, you are using maxogen X(min plus fina). that's good. Iam also doing so. Additionally I try microneedling 0.5mm everynight before application and 1.5mm every sundaynight(after that 24 hrs no application)against scalp fibrosis and against inflammtion use nizoral every 3 or 4 days(2/week)my hairline is still thinning and receding, but some veluss hair are coming out and stronger,and that will take a while to see

try put a flashlight against your hairline, any dark veluss hair coming out. They quite differ from the normal veluss hair, darker longer. If there is any, that means you are on the right way