When will minoxidil results be visable? (17 year old)


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Sure there is. The finasteride and minoxidil has kept me from getting more bald for quite some time now, it will help you too most likely. You said concealer helps you, so thats hope right there. Many people are much worse off.


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yeah well its either i go a buzz cut and have somewhat noticable thinning. Or i keep my hair and use concealer and have no thinning. BUT i want to swim so should i buzz it?


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We've sort of already talked on another thread michael, but I'm 17 too and in a similar situation. Hell, I'm 5'11.5 and pretty muscular, and my hair is also able to look covered when brushed right, but bad when messed up.

I was on finasteride for 3 months, with no sides except possibly brain fog (not sure whether or not I had it, there was a HIGHLY subtle "fog" feeling that I don't entirely know I even had.) but then I stopped.

I reconsidered because I feel similar to how you do, that DHT may be something I should have in my bloodchemistry at this point in life. I have some facial hair, but no beard-growing ability or extent. I'm just not sure if I would regret it in the future or not. Altering my bloodchemistry is scary enough as it is, let alone being in a youthful state of already-constant hormonal fluctuation..

I may get back on it after my 18th birthday, but for right now I'm relying on Minoxidil twice a day and some new S5 cream I got that is a b**ch to apply. I've receded quite a bit though, and my crown is thin. But my hair is overall still thick enough to look salvageable if styled right. I pray I can hold out a few more months til my birthday, but even then, choosing between finasteride or no finasteride will be a tough choice to make.

Just wanted to say, I know where you're at. This really sucks to go through so early. I hate being this vain about my hair, I feel like I'm becoming a vanity-fair hairstylist when all I want to do is just be able to live my youth without worrying about this sort of ****.


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yep bro, peoplethink they have teenage problems they have no idea

im a diffuser so i look like a NW6 :( i buzz it to a 1# now and noone has noticed so far

im on minoxidil twice a day and spironolactone once a day topical

i turn 18 in august. Wanna add me on facebook?


Established Member
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yep bro, peoplethink they have teenage problems they have no idea

im a diffuser so i look like a NW6 :( i buzz it to a 1# now and noone has noticed so far

im on minoxidil twice a day and spironolactone once a day topical

i turn 18 in august. Wanna add me on facebook?
I would, but I deactivated mine not too long ago. If I do reactivate it, I'll message you.