Where did male pattern baldness originate



Rawbbie said:
great points guys. There are many excellent theories here, but I think that as far as the pyramids go, it was balding cavemen who built them but were forced to evacuate the scene when aliens came down and altered their blueprints, which takes us to Tynan's post.

So, it's a combination of both.

But I have no idea where male pattern baldness came from if that's what you're all asking

...nice work.... :lol:

Vinton Harper

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tynanW said:
Vinton Harper said:
you lose what you don't need to survive.

could you explain this to me, I am a little skeptical :)

I didn't think this statement needed an explanation, but ok. Think about some parts on our bodies. Our fingernails for instance. Millions of years ago when we were just wee little mammals(if you believe in that sort of thing), our fingernails were claws and helped us dig up yummy grubs and other Atkins-friendly foods. What is their purpose today, to put nail polish on(I don't do that myself) or get boogers out of our noses(I have been known to do that)?
Or what about our toes?! They might have helped us when we were swinging from trees and throwing our poop around, but as man(and women, as they have been known to throw poop too) came down from the trees(or fell down from the trees probably if they were my direct descendants :hairy: ) and began to live exclusively on the land, those foot-fingers evolved to little useless nubs whose only purpose is to cause great pain to us when running them into a door or other solid object.
How about our arm and leg hair and all our body hair for that matter; it's too small and useless to keep us warm, unless you are Robin Williams, but back before we discovered the mink coat it was our only defense against the cold.
I hope that answers your questions at least a little. And just remember that these our just my opinions, but there is some common sense to them I think. :)

S Foote.

Experienced Member
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Just another thought to throw into this debate.

How did we get to evolve far too much scalp hair growth? (Pre male pattern baldness)

This long hair hanging over our ears and in front of our eyes, would be a big disadvantage in survival in our harsh early days, unless!!

Unless by the time we developed this `excess' hair growth, we had also developed the intelligence to realise we had better tie it back or cut it?

This suggests that the excess growth either developed after our human judgement, or alongside it.

S Foote.