Where to buys Duts?



Felk said:
JayMan said:
beaner said:
jayman..why are you starting Dutas when you haven't even been on finasteride for 2 months? don't you think you are going a little overboard based on what minimal hair loss you actually have? you are definitley jumping the gun son.

beaner, i just want to get on the most powerful drug available right now and stay on it indefinitely.

plus dutas will regrow more hair than finasteride, and i want to try to regrow a little bit.

what are the disadvantages of getting on the dutas now, assuming i get no sides from it? i can't think of any. i mean college and bryan say that it doesn't lose its effectiveness like some on here claim it does.

It doesn't "lose it's effectiveness" no, but it your hair won't be maintained on it forever. If you are looking at it as maintaing your hair, then, yes, after a while it will gradually worsen "losing it's effectiveness"

Of course that's not the point, as long as possible is good!

college said that for most guys who get on it in the early stages of hair loss, they will see a gradual thinning similar to the general population of both balding and non-balding men, like the average. he also said that some guys should be able to maintain indefinitely on it.

i was thinking that at my age 22 and nw1 with slight thinning, i might be able to maintain into my late 30s and then thin gradually.

what do you think?


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I don't know, as there is no long term dutasteride studies.

However, for propecia, around year 2 haircounts peak, and around year 5 the hairs are only slightly above baseline (40-50 hairs). This is all on average

So if you are taking a dutasteride. dose that is equivalent to propecia (or is it Proscar? in which case it would be different) you are going to regrow/maintain your hair for 5 years, then slowly begin to lose ground, on average

It could well maintain your hair for twenty years. It could not work at all. Everyone is different, thus we go on averages.

Hopefully HM or something else will be out by then anyway :)


totally agree felk.

but i have to think that the AVERAGE propecia guy was a bit more bald than i am(since i am close to norwood 1). And you're right that everyone is different. So for ME, I gotta think that by getting on Dutas instead of Propecia now at age 22, I'll be able to maintain my hair for quite sometime after some regrowth, considering that I have more hair than most when they start it.

And even the average non-male pattern baldness guy gradually loses his hair in his 30s and 40s, just a lot slower than the balding guys do. So I am thinking that I might be able to imitate the non-male pattern baldness guy who thins very slowly if my genetics overpower the dutas.

And it may also be that Dutas inhibits so much DHT when compared to finasteride, that more men are able to at least maintain their hair count when they started the drug, because 98.5% of the type II is inhibited compared to a lot less on finasteride. You know?

As for the 5 year study, as I pointed out to college, if you look at that graph then you will see that the graph is less steep from years 4-5 than it is from years 3-4, leading me to believe that the slope decreases and that hair loss slows down towards the end of the five year period. What do you think about that?


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I can't tell you without seeing the graph, but I think i remember what you're talking about.

I tihnk it's generally accepted that when people eventually do start losing again on finasteride, they lose it much slower than they would usually lose their hair. I'd say the same and more would be true of dutasteride.



here is the graph in question:


as you can see, the slope is definitely decreasing as we move from year2-3 and from year3-4 to year 4-5. the decrease in hair count is becoming less steep and this is why i think that a lot of people will eventually flatline on finasteride and not lose any more hair, and that even more people will maintain all that they have on dutasteride.

you said that they lose it much slower than they would without the finasteride. i agree and think that they'd lose it even slower with dutasteride because it inhibits so much more dht. it may take twice as long to lose the same amount of hair on dutasteride but that's just an estimate.

so do you think that the avg person on dutasteride would start to thin at the same rate the avg guy in this country does, male pattern baldness or not?

i'll be taking the full recommended dosage of avodart for bph, which is 0.5 mg per day. at this rate i think i'll be inhibiting about 99% of type II AR and ~50% of type I AR. this should be enough for most people, considering that i think i read finasteride only reduces by about 75-80% at the recommended dosage.

wouldn't someone have to have really, really bad genes to still lose hair while inhibiting 99% of type II a day?


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there still is testosterone and DHT from 5ar1. So it is entirely possible. The amount of androgen activity in a follicle does not drop 80% when you reduce DHT by 80%. it probably drops more like 50-60%, depending on how potent DHT is compared to testosterone.


collegechemistrystudent said:
there still is testosterone and DHT from 5ar1. So it is entirely possible. The amount of androgen activity in a follicle does not drop 80% when you reduce DHT by 80%. it probably drops more like 50-60%, depending on how potent DHT is compared to testosterone.

i see, college.

so what are you saying is entirely possible? i'm confused.

do you think that the average guy who gets on dutasteride early, as time continues on dutasteride, when he starts to lose his hair he will lose it very gradually like most men do in this country?


JayMan said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
there still is testosterone and DHT from 5ar1. So it is entirely possible. The amount of androgen activity in a follicle does not drop 80% when you reduce DHT by 80%. it probably drops more like 50-60%, depending on how potent DHT is compared to testosterone.

i see, college.

so what are you saying is entirely possible? i'm confused.

do you think that the average guy who gets on dutasteride early, as time continues on dutasteride, when he starts to lose his hair he will lose it very gradually like most men do in this country?

so what do you think college? :hairy:


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he'll lose it slower than the propecia people do. i can't compare him to non-bald people. It is possible he will lose less hair than they do.