swingline, a bit of off-topic:
A different perspective on taxation can be gotten when you look across the Atlantic. Taxation in Scandinavian countries is the highest in the whole civilized world. Yet, they have the highest HDI (human development index) and also highest life satisfaction values. Why is that? Because it makes everybody in society a bit more equal and acknowledges the fact that your personal riches could not be accumulated without the other members of society, who directly (e.g., customers/clients/buyers) or indirectly (again through taxation, as university education is free in most Northern and Western European countries; by contributing towards the economy through labor and consumption; etc.) contribute to your success and position in life. Your professional situation and material wealth is not only your own doing (nor is mine, btw) but depends on a lot of factors, like the economy in your region, of your country, investment possibilities, the company you work in, your supervisors, and many more things.
In the US, you have some of the lowest income taxes in the whole developed world. Yet, inequality is also higher than in almost any other developed country (I think the US are ranked among the top 5 countries in inequality globally).
Where am I getting with this?
I am from one of these families you would prefer not to give your money to because you think it's unfair.
But just through redistribution of tax money, I was able to make something out of my life (i.e. finish a master's degree paid for by tax money and get a good career). The financial means of my family and myself weren't even remotely enough to pay for that. And I am not the only one who was only able to only get higher education because of taxes supporting me. The basic assumption the state tries to fulfill in the North-Western European countries is that everybody should have the same chances in life, regardless of their family background. (This also often doesn't work in practice, but it's still better than not trying to achieve it IMO)
Now, I am also paying the maximum tax rate. And though most US Americans might call me crazy for it, and even though I would of course like to have some more money for myself, I know that it's only just and fair: I'm giving back what I received before when I really needed it, and I know that although there are people exploiting the system and living off others' pockets, there are also many who truly profit and then can give back again. It's what keeps societies and their productivity going, by minimizing personal risks and thus keeping the climate for innovation, personal educational, professional development in a healthy state.
Just to give a different perspective of the whole tax matter from the situation of a North-West European.
Sorry the US is a system now where the welfare simply are content with the lowest common denominations and teach their kids "hey if you get pregnant you don't have to work either"
I grew up PISS POOR! The countries with higher Indexes and Happiness ratings ALSO usually grant universal healthcare, free higher education, and all around better lifestyles. Most have actually smaller cities that function more internally than globally. Everyone HAS to work. You are paying a high tax but you have the luxury of knowing there arent as many dead beats because you can simply say "that Steve is a deadbeat"
Here in this great nation we are now taught NOT to point the finger and blame Steve for being a lazy dip schit. Its not Steves fault, he was raised in a poor family with no dad and seven brothers and sisters. Fawk Steve. Steve needs to get out and work. We have also gotten this established POV where menial jobs are beneath us. So Steve has no desire to go to school or put effort into anything but thinks he should be a CEO of Citibank.
Im going racial here for a moment
A professional black girl I used to work with ONLY dated white guys. When I asked her why she said "because black guys never have educations or jobs, they NEVER have a job, theyre always working on something".
"Working on something", what i that,
"Yeah Im starting my own company.... some day.
But out of the racial aspect this is a general mentality most lower class people have now because if you TRY to point out their lack of ambition YOU ARE THE BAD GUY! YOU are the bad guy??????
Im tired of seeing all thse low lives sucking the system dry and wanting more. I was white.... I got NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO financial aid until I flat out lied on my forms. I had my good Spanish friend in the Financial aid office tell me to my face "if you were a minority I could have gotten you something".
I WORKED. I shoudl get to out right pick and choose EVERY cent that goes into tax distribution and every person who has not worked in a year.... boom, find a shanty town.
Its fine saying "hey it helped me" But YOU are the exception NOT the rule. If everyone had your outlook and put in effort then Id say OK, but in reality I have tenants on welfare. Had many of them, worked in housing with people who used welfare. They have ZERO desire to work, most deliberately LOSE their jobs so they can get more welfare. Sorry the liberal everybody eats ideology HAS to go now in the USA.
If you want to continue this then make a topic in the miscellaneous section of off topic