I'll just say Thepain that I'ld describe aggressive male pattern baldness (my sit.) as purgatory and NW7 (my predetermined destiny) as hell which
more or less is my
point of no return.
Perfect explanation. I feel I am in purgatory right now as I watch my hair get thinner and thinner by the f*cking day. It's complete, agonizing mental rape, especially if you've had a botched hair transplant that is becoming more and more visible. There are VERY VERY few things I wouldn't do for a decent head of normal looking hair. I would go to my garage right now and chop off both hands with a miter saw. Despite being an athlete, I would cut off my right leg, with a coping saw, slowly.. for just a decent head of f*cking hair. Man, I think this post has shown be how messed up I am. :wacko::sobbing::doh::crazy:
Perfect explanation. I feel I am in purgatory right now as I watch my hair get thinner and thinner by the f*cking day. It's complete, agonizing mental rape, especially if you've had a botched hair transplant that is becoming more and more visible. There are VERY VERY few things I wouldn't do for a decent head of normal looking hair. I would go to my garage right now and chop off both hands with a miter saw. Despite being an athlete, I would cut off my right leg, with a coping saw, slowly.. for just a decent head of f*cking hair. Man, I think this post has shown be how messed up I am. :wacko::sobbing::doh::crazy:
Perfect explanation. I feel I am in purgatory right now as I watch my hair get thinner and thinner by the f*cking day. It's complete, agonizing mental rape, especially if you've had a botched hair transplant that is becoming more and more visible. There are VERY VERY few things I wouldn't do for a decent head of normal looking hair. I would go to my garage right now and chop off both hands with a miter saw. Despite being an athlete, I would cut off my right leg, with a coping saw, slowly.. for just a decent head of f*cking hair. Man, I think this post has shown be how messed up I am. :wacko::sobbing::doh::crazy:
Being bald is much much worse than going bald. Balding is torture for sure, but the more hair you have left, the better you will look, even if you do agonize over your declining hair every day. At least in the early stages you can still look somewhat presentable...
The process of balding, for the sake of this thread we'll say it's agressive, or being a NW7?
Being a NW7 hands down. Going bald is incredibly hard, but to actually BE bald is that much worse. I get away with extensions and Toppik for now and I think I have it bad, but there are people with very few strands of hair on their head that have it even worse than me (although I do think of myself as bald now). I think about the future and how that will be me eventually, and that is absolutely horrifying.
I assume you've considered hair transplant when it gets really bad? Some of these look good.
I have diffuse thinning so a transplant is out of the question sadly. However, I don't know what my final balding pattern will be, so maybe I can get a transplant just to create a natural hairline for my hair piece (when I get that). I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I have a stable donor area or not.
Are some of those women not diffuse? i.e
I'd be curious to see how long this woman's transplant lasted. How long after the procedure was the second picture taken?