Which Essential Oils Should I Try Treating male pattern baldness


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I could probably FaceTime him and get a few strategic shots. At the same time I’ll document what he is using and the amounts. He used to use Rogaine but switched. It’s good to see that switching actually improved, not caused Hair recession


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Most essential oils have detrimental trpv1 enhancers in it, like eugenol.

I would at least use pecan oil as carrier cause it has 52% oleic acid which antagonizes trpv1.


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Most essential oils have detrimental trpv1 enhancers in it, like eugenol.

I would at least use pecan oil as carrier cause it has 52% oleic acid which antagonizes trpv1.
I’m having a hard time getting this information from reliable sources. I have access to most medical journals and studies including some very expensive books on hair loss reserved for physicians however essential oils seem to fall into the realm of witch doctors since I can’t find controlled studies for hair loss or actual externally enforced standards for oils like there are for meds. what are some of the more reputable brands?
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No clue, but I believe that most of the time ppl wont bother to fake EOs. Would say as long as you dont buy from ebay and alibaba you should be fine.

A friend also told me about betacaryofillene which you find to certain extend in rosemary eo but to 25% in indian bay leaf EO, and it is supposed to be highly anti-fribrotic. If you are interested check that out.

I also got access by now to almost all journals and studies, not really that hard right? ;)

Pretty sure I gave you all keywords, but here some of them



A lot of essentials oils include kamphor or eugenol for example, both trigger TRPV1:



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Here are some photos of the person who added essential oils from young living to his routine of using rogaine. Without rogaine he had major loss. Rogaine and Nizoral were used for many years, but the regrowth occurred when essential oils were added. Sacred frankencense, sage, rosemary and cedar wood are a part of his routine now. So rogaine helped control the loss but eo helped to rebuild.
After switching to EO, he tried removing rogaine for a little while but the hair quickly thinned so it was quickly added back to the routine.


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Here are some photos of the person who switched from rogaine to essential oils from young living. Sacred frankencense and a couple of others are part of his routine now. At one time he had almost no hair up front. Rogaine helped control it but eo helped to rebuild.
Minoxidil (rogaine) Serves to increase your pge2 levels (needed for hair growth). If you don't combine it with an Androgen blocker. (what's the point of feeding PGE2 if you have DHT; PGD2 there preventing hair growth?)

"essential oils" What oils?


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Minoxidil (rogaine) Serves to increase your pge2 levels (needed for hair growth). If you don't combine it with an Androgen blocker. (what's the point of feeding PGE2 if you have DHT; PGD2 there preventing hair growth?)

"essential oils" What oils?
Rosemary extract inhibit the binding of dht to androgen receptors by over 80 %.


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If you havent heard about it, tea tree oil and lavender oil are endocrine disruptors. Their key constituents are found in 60/92 screened essential oils. They could grow your boobies like in the 10yo boy.

Anyways, if you dont care check those out:


It is part of tea tree, you can buy it pure here: https://www.terpenes-uk.co.uk/product-page/gamma-terpinene
Without any other sh*t like eugenol etc. A try worth if you dont bother with the endocrine disruptor part.


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olive oil: 20g Linoleic acid, 188g oleic acid, 40g saturated
coconut oil: 7.5g linoleic acid, 15g oleic acid, 215g saturated
sesame oil: 112.5g linoleic acid, 105g oleic, 32.5 saturated
infusing 250g ground flax seeds: 54g alpha-linolenic acid
Quercetin and luteolin.

the above maintains a 2.6:1 ratio of LA:ALA, which is supposed to be ‘ideal’.
Oleic acid will help with the penetration, and lauric acid in the saturated fats is known to be a better penetration enhancer.


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Minoxidil (rogaine) Serves to increase your pge2 levels (needed for hair growth). If you don't combine it with an Androgen blocker. (what's the point of feeding PGE2 if you have DHT; PGD2 there preventing hair growth?)

"essential oils" What oils?
I've corrected my post to show that he did not stop using Rogaine though he tried for a short time. I've also added the oils to the post. He only used the products based on recommendations from a sales rep of Young Living. I'm not sure where they received their information, hence this forum is useful since we can compare medical studies and results.


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I've corrected my post to show that he did not stop using Rogaine though he tried for a short time. I've also added the oils to the post. He only used the products based on recommendations from a sales rep of Young Living. I'm not sure where they received their information, hence this forum is useful since we can compare medical studies and results.
Young Living
Multi-level marketing company
...nuff said
so much oil, would never work for my naturally oily scalp
Anyway, if the US finds out his oil regime, they will definitely want to apply some freedom to his scalp. (jk)
Can't there just be 1 kind of oil that kills DHT and be done with it? Why do we have to bath in 4 kinds of oil?


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Getting back at the point OF this topic, I wonder WHAT oils do not help hairloss?
I'm being sarcastic because we have to admit that none of these oils actually works wonders (at least not by themsefls like finasteride and minoxidil). Finasteride and Minoxidil arent perfect but they are part of the big three for some reason.

apparently even onion juice does the job https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12126069 ... So, the lot of them claim to reduce DHT or PGD2 but where are the results?


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I have been following this thread for a few days now (also just registered). I have a question regarding the application of the (any) oil mix:
Do you need to put it in only for like 30 mins- 1 hour? Or are you supposed to have it in your hair the whole day? I myself am making a mix of Jojoba oil, caster oil, Rosemary oil and ethanol as penetration enhancer. I cannot find any answer on reddit or here for that matter, so sorry if I am asking obvious questions here!:(

Armando Jose

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Skin seems to absorb jojoba oil within a few minutes, and transdermal
penetration is suspected, although not yet proved. A preliminary
investigation at the University of Michigan suggested that it penetrates
the outer skin via hair follicles and accumulates within the keratin
layer beneath. Neither triglycerides nor lanolin had this ability; the
characteristic was unique to jojoba. Thus, jojoba oil promises not only
to help make skin supple and smooth, but perhaps to carry medications
into the skin as well

The longer it acts, the better it works


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I would bet that if you were to measure overall DHT and PGD2 levels on the scalp of someone using those oils, you would see a decrease (not sure if a lot or actually not even relevant lowering levels). But my theory is that everyone's hair has a radically different sensitivity to those androgens. Keep in mind that these oils, do not Target locally the hair roots and so, assuming that guy's hair is very DHT/PGD2 sensitive, means that lowering overall androgens isn't enough ie;(his hair will still be affected by the the remaining androgens because it has TOO MANY androgen receptors)
So, I would say that's why some people see great results with minoxidil and finasteride, others just stop hair loss, and others see no improvements at all.
When people say "You react good to that regiment!" maybe that could be replaced with "You are lucky to not have too many androgen receptors in your hair!".

Hair needs to feed and androgens block their feeding apparatus. So that's why finasteride and minoxidil work.
For some people it works better to stop the blocking of the feeding (by taking Finasteride) and others see better results in widening the feeding apparatus (taking minoxidil, dilating the blood vessels and so more "food" feeds the hair)... and most of the time, doing both treatments has usually the best results.

For those that neither work? I would bet that looking at their hair roots in a electron microscope, we would see a hair root with DHT magnets (ie; hair root with too many androgen receptors)
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I am trying the following:

Coconut oil + rosemary oil + tea tree oil + lavender oil + peppermint oil. It lasts a long time. I am applying it on alternate days. Need to be more regular.

Very difficult to apply hair oil with so many strong essential oils. I leave them overnight. I should have used jojoba instead of coconut but until I exhaust the current mixture, I will keep on applying the one I have now.

I'm assuming your hair is naturally dry or something.
I have enough oil on my scalp to supply McDonald's frying department for a year.