which sex ages best


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My sister who is 36,i am 27,

Says you men are so lucky you age so more better than women.Bare in
mind she looks my age and i told her women don't go through anywere near the sh*t men go through,because i have seen sexy women age and get wrinkles but still look hot e.g greta saachi.
Men on the other hand go bald and if you havn't seen them for a bit would not reconize them e.g billy zane,in short women hold onto their identity,
men don't{apart from the ones that keep there hair}


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Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.


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I actually agree with your sister, men do age better. It's usually said that men look more distinguished as they age and women tend to look more... well... old. That's partly the reason why you'll see more older men with younger women than vice versa. And if you think about, women always try their hardest to look youthful (face lift, anti-wrinkle creams, etc) while guys usually try their hardest to look more mature (growing out their facial hair, working out to get huge muscles, etc).

You look at guys like Denzel Washington, Harrison Ford, or George Clooney. At around 50, these guys were considered the sexiest men in America. And with Brad Pitt, it seems like the older he gets, the more women he attracts.

Women celebrities, on the other hand, feel the need to get surgery in order to maintain their sex appeal. All the mature ladies who I think look great all have had something done: Patrica Heaton, Julia Louis Dreyfus, Diane Lane (lol, I'm struggling to think of the names of these actresses).

Sir Guy of Frizzbourne

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I think it's funny how all those men you mentioned have very thick hair. Well, Harrison Ford has a lot for his age. And I'm sure he has had work done to keep that hair. Brad Pitt's face looks like it's had work done to me. Everyone wants to stay young. I guess when men start to age, they can go from pretty boy to ruggedly hansom, as opposed to just old and saggy. Women hardly ever have to deal with a sudden change/loss of identity deal like hair loss though. I can't stand how so many girls b**ch about how their hair doesn't do this or that and then f*** it up with highlights and straightening irons. I was happy with my hair just the way it was.


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Hands down men age better. ANd hands down, men who have the ability to go grey(ie: HAVE HAIR!!!!!) Age the best. This has been backed up by many older women that i have spoken to at bars etc.

Men with grey hair look distinguished. As long as a 50 year old man stays fit and has hair...the sky is the limit. its semi-rare and people eat it up you automatically are a good looking man.


Black women age the best assuming they stay in shape. that's all i'll say.


Nathaniel said:
Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.

Yes, because men can't get pregnant, and most women eventually do.


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beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

give me a sexy woman in her 40's or 50's, any day rather than a young flibbertygib in her teens or twenties.

the older woman knows what she wants and gets it...from me.....hahaha


Men age much better, but for the guys on this board: Only when they keep their hair....

Bald Dave

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I have to agree that men over 50 look better than women over 50. Apart from going bald, grey and getting a few wrinkles there is nothing else that men over 50 suffer from (providing they keep themselves in shape). Whilst women get fat and their boobs and arse start to sag when they get to 40 and if they give birth then it makes it even worse.


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As we get older...

Women like rugged Men but Men don't like rugged Women.

Balding sucks for men as full head of hair no matter what your age and if greying you will look younger. Shaving it off is the only way to go to hide hairloss and greying...you'll look older with a greying horseshoe :freaked:

Wash n' Gone

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Men age better than women. That is because women look for different things. Men are genetically programmed to look for a woman who can bear him Children and women are only fertile when they are young. Women are genetically programmed to look for a man who can provide security for her and any potential off spring. Men can have children pretty much their entire adult life. It is just nature at work and as a sex us guys are advantaged. That includes blokes who are losing or lost their hair. We are all battling to keep it, but it is too easy to over emphasise its importance.


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Wash n' Gone said:
Men age better than women. That is because women look for different things. Men are genetically programmed to look for a woman who can bear him Children and women are only fertile when they are young. Women are genetically programmed to look for a man who can provide security for her and any potential off spring. Men can have children pretty much their entire adult life. It is just nature at work and as a sex us guys are advantaged. That includes blokes who are losing or lost their hair. We are all battling to keep it, but it is too easy to over emphasise its importance.

Not strictly true, their first priority is that the offspring have good genetics for a long healthy life, security is the 2nd factor.
In short women want the best of both worlds. :roll:

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
Nathaniel said:
Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.

Yes, because men can't get pregnant, and most women eventually do.

and most men put down a 12 pack every nite....most women do not.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
Nathaniel said:
Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.

Yes, because men can't get pregnant, and most women eventually do.

and most men put down a 12 pack every nite....most women do not.

maybe where you live. but where i live, most guys aren't alcoholics. but most women do eventually get pregnant in life, usually more than once.

hair today gone tomorrow

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JayMan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
Nathaniel said:
Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.

Yes, because men can't get pregnant, and most women eventually do.

and most men put down a 12 pack every nite....most women do not.

maybe where you live. but where i live, most guys aren't alcoholics. but most women do eventually get pregnant in life, usually more than once.

I live in NE, i thought u did too?

i dunno too many middle aged men in good shape do you? Most have pot-bellies.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
JayMan said:
[quote="hair today gone tomorrow":4f594]
JayMan said:
Nathaniel said:
Because I suffer from hairloss I kind of agree with you because losing hair can have such a huge impact on how your face looks.

Bodywise, I think men have the advantage if they do work out.

Yes, because men can't get pregnant, and most women eventually do.

and most men put down a 12 pack every nite....most women do not.

maybe where you live. but where i live, most guys aren't alcoholics. but most women do eventually get pregnant in life, usually more than once.

I live in NE, i thought u did too?

i dunno too many middle aged men in good shape do you? Most have pot-bellies.[/quote:4f594]

come on you know that is an exaggeration that most men put down a 12 pack every night. the point i'm making is that it is a lot EASIER for guys to keep in shape than women because pregnancy takes a huge toll on the body. if a guy gets serious about fitness in his 20s and maintains it then he can have a great body with no real excess skin into his 50s and 60s. women have to worry about stretch marks and loose skin after pregnancies, as well as sagging breasts.

yes it's true most men aren't in good shape in this country. most people aren't in good shape. but it's still a lot easier for men to stay in shape than women because they don't have the pregnancy stuff to deal with.


to clarify if you look at what i was replying to, i was replying to nathaniel's comment that men have an advantage. they certainly DO.