Who else hates being short? ?


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Yh but you can't just judge him because it's paper theory not IRL practice. His issue doesn't seem too obvious to you, but I'll give you a more clear example: if a guy is 3 inches, even if he manages not to think about it, or not care, it doesn't change the reaction of the partners he sleeps with. A number of negative experiences and knowing that it's all real can eventually put him down. So someone who is short faces certain disadvantages that can be perceived, and eventually can reinforce a negative perception.

The real solution for me is to be real about these issues that men face and focus science into addressing them and not just blind our eyes. In a world where all men could suddenly be tall, big dick and full heads there would be no wars, no resentment, no hate, almost everybody would be busy having sex everyday in a relationship and having a family. Everybody would have confidence and claiming that your personality is your most important value would start to be true once for all...
my “issue” is only that the only thing he doesnt do is not giving a sh*t about things he can not change, instead is so extremely focused on it, that it seemingly limits whatever he wants to do...
sometimes i wouldnt be surprised of it is all on purpose...

when you go out and got issues if there is someone taller than you, you should honestly rethink your way of thinking, or do you think it is some random dudes fault when he cant enjoy a simple evening being out somewhere?

in a world where every man would be like you described, there would be other issues someone faces, not to
mention that those men sound like clones (ironically people here always say bald
men look like clones...

and if there wasnt any other issue, im sure feelsbadman finds a new issue every second day, or he makes some up...