yeah...I hate everything about my appearance. Especially my face. I can't wait until I get plastic surgery, however horrible that may sound. It'll be a lifesaver, especially in my situation. I can't go on living with the way I look...I actually have BDD, body dysmorphic disorder, which causes almost all of the stress and anxiety in my life. I've been bullied and ridiculed my entire life because of the way I's caused my self-esteem to plummet into almost nothing. male pattern baldness doesn't help this AT ALL! It's like, "thanks God, for giving me ALL of my families fucked up recessive genes that none of them have to deal with!". I can't get laid, even though I'm known as the funny/sensitive type, it all comes down to looks. Girls are shallow, especially at my age (early 20's) and they WILL NOT have sex with you if you're ugly, even if you are the life of the party. It's fucked up, and I've learned to live with it, even though I hate every bit of that sh*t and am constantly depressed i.e. drinking my problems away.
ONE DAY I keep telling myself...ONE DAY