Who gets more females?


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See hair isnt everything..


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the bald guy looks taller. But I still think they would do almost evenly.


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taugenichts, I can't believe you are getting so depressed about hair loss when you lost so little and just started treating it. With all the treatments we have, i'm sure you can at least keep your hair. Only the NW3+ with thin donor areas should be stressing. That's me, but you would not know with my grafts. regrowth is much harder than keeping it.

yeah, i know you want to lower your hairline 7mm. That does matter. But that would be a very small hair transplant at worst. and as recently as you lost it, you should do just fine with dutasteride and topicals. I guess you can't try any more until you get out of the hospital.

I still can't believe you got hauled off like that. I would have called the cops had i seen that. i wonder which juristiction would have won out.


CCS, you are probably right, I really shouldn´t worry that much about my hair loss compared to many other guys in the forum. But keep in mind that I suffer from various mental disorders. I have a Body Dysmorphobic Disorder (feeling ugly even though you are normal looking, in my case probably even good looking). I suffer from terrible inferiority complexes. Now that I am suffering from hair loss I feel so inferior towards people who have great non-MBP hair particularly when they are older than me such as Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Hair loss is also a sign of aging and hence it is terrible for me to see how old I have become without having achieved anything. All these problems result in severe depressions for me.

Edit: At the moment another problem is the itching. It always reminds me of my hair loss and so it is hard to forget about it.


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when i feel any itching, I wash my hair with nizoral or apply CPs. takes it away. i've become more aware of it now. I definitely do have some hair thinning in the NW5 areas. i got a battle ahead, but i'm not worried.


Well, I have tried a 2% ket-shampoo similiar to Nizoral. Maybe i should try the original one. might Tricomin be helpful against the itching?


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Agassi had such a great hair...incredible what this shitty male pattern baldness can do.

ANyway there´s life after baldness :)


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He got Brooke Shields when he had hair. He went bald, she dumped him. Now he has Steffie Graff, who seems like a quality girl but definately not a looker like Brooke.


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taug, are you on minoxidil? many people said minoxidil causes itching and irritation, but its reverse for me, its made my scalp feel better


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He looks like trailer trash in the first photo. All that's lacking is a Mustang GT.


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harm, no that is not him, unless that is him all dressed up with a complete hair re-do, or him before. i saw his picture. He looks nothing like that. But anything is possible if he combs his hair fowards and dresses right.

as for the guy's girlfriends, I found both. The first was pretty, but not in the top tear. The second one was not found on google image search. must not be famous, or must be a misspelling.

I agree the hairy guy is too hairy. That is why i said they would have an equal chance of getting dates.

Red Rose

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In real life (i.e. outside the superstardom of being a sporting legend/celebrity) what looks better: -

(1) walking out of the office pre-male pattern baldness; or

(2) walking out of the office post-male pattern baldness?


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I think he looks better bald. He looks like white trash with hair.