You guys are nuts.
70% of people have Herpes Simplex Virus 1 transmittable from mouth to penis during unprotected oral, even while no symptoms are present.
30% of people have Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (genital herpes) transmittable during asymptomatic periods as well, simply by testicles and or legs making skin to skin contact with the female. Condom only slightly reduces the risk.
90% of people have HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). There are around 100 strains of the virus, and its a crap shoot which of the strains you are currently carrying. 80% of them cause no symptoms. 10% of them cause Genital Warts that don't go away for several years. 10% of them cause cervical dysplasia... meaning any woman you have sex with unprotected could get cervical cancer from you and possibly die. As mentioned, its a toss up as to which of the 100 strains you're carrying right now. If you've had more than 1 partner you're probably carrying at least a few.
1 in every 260 people in the USA have HIV. Condom breaks, you die. No condom, you die.
This doesn't even include Ghon, Chlamyd, Syph, or Molluscum Contagiosum.
Be careful.
You guys are nuts.
70% of people have Herpes Simplex Virus 1 transmittable from mouth to penis during unprotected oral, even while no symptoms are present.
30% of people have Herpes Simplex Virus 2 (genital herpes) transmittable during asymptomatic periods as well, simply by testicles and or legs making skin to skin contact with the female. Condom only slightly reduces the risk.
90% of people have HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). There are around 100 strains of the virus, and its a crap shoot which of the strains you are currently carrying. 80% of them cause no symptoms. 10% of them cause Genital Warts that don't go away for several years. 10% of them cause cervical dysplasia... meaning any woman you have sex with unprotected could get cervical cancer from you and possibly die. As mentioned, its a toss up as to which of the 100 strains you're carrying right now. If you've had more than 1 partner you're probably carrying at least a few.
1 in every 260 people in the USA have HIV. Condom breaks, you die. No condom, you die.
This doesn't even include Ghon, Chlamyd, Syph, or Molluscum Contagiosum.
Be careful.
Ha! I thought those stats were just for London. It's no surprise really, this generation of uk teens are unbelievably irresponsible. It's not uncommon to see single mothers at the age of 15 strolling down benefit lane, buying nike clothes too small for their fat arses, talking to the next potential father of her next money-maker. This country is bullshit, pure bullshit. People like me work hard so that people like these disease-infested gutter-snip, aids carrying, ahhhhhh sh*t what's the point?
Ha! I thought those stats were just for London. It's no surprise really, this generation of uk teens are unbelievably irresponsible. It's not uncommon to see single mothers at the age of 15 strolling down benefit lane, buying nike clothes too small for their fat arses, talking to the next potential father of her next money-maker. This country is bullshit, pure bullshit. People like me work hard so that people like these disease-infested gutter-snip, aids carrying, ahhhhhh sh*t what's the point?
Internally, I think you guys could use a little house cleaning with your political leaders, and I am not necessarily talking specifically about Blair but about ALL the main parties' leadership. Why all the deadwood? Blair is still the most vibrant and freshest of the bunch, and he is approaching the crony stage. Why the recent pick of more deadwood to lead the Tories? Why not Clarke, or Portillo?.. or someone with a message more suited to the times? Whassup over there??
...and i once shagged a girl that looked like Yasser Arafat
Ah Zimmy, the LibDems?!... please! I should have expected as much from a Scotsman. Although Blair is getting old, I must admit that I admire his ability to turn and tuck as they say here in American Football terms... the defence running after the quarterback looking for a sack... Blair is that quarterback who consistently and miraculously avoids the sack and manages to squirm out and make the play. He's a real professional, politician par excellence but I think his mug is getting old and his time will come.
Ah Zimmy, the LibDems?!... please! I should have expected as much from a Scotsman.
well Bush fucked Saddam up the arse