NW105?! :shock:
s1m0n said:I know its hard man, but she obviously loves you. If she dumps you it wont be because of your hair. It will be because you have too much insecurity about your hair. The only thing people can do in our situation is to accept the fact that your losing your hair and deal with it now and not let it linger on until it causes unnecessary problems for you, like troubles with your girlfriend.
She sounds like a nice gal, don't get hung up on the fact that she always talks about hair, so does my girlfriend, its what girls do.
My advice is to go out with her, as much as you can, when it comes down to it in a strong relationship, girls like confidence and a strong personality. Not someone who lets his or her hair get in the way.
Wear the hat if you want, just don’t let it become a security blanket for you, and have a good time, it’s the summer!
imissmyhair said:wouldnt scars from the hair transplant be visible if u shaved?
imissmyhair said:wouldnt scars from the hair transplant be visible if u shaved?
The more that you care what a woman thinks of you or your appearance, or the more you seek their approval of any type, the worse luck you're going to have with woman and relationships.
You just say hey, I'm thin hair, I'm over it, are you yet?
If you can fine tune your personality to create attraction in a woman, it won't matter what you look like because attraction isn't something that woman choose.
Think about how many times you've been in the mall or somewhere where you've seen hot blonde clubsluts dating some wigger or rather unattractive person.
sonicthehedgehog said:^^I agree.
You wont loose a girlfriend purely because of hairloss.
And if you do she must have mental problems far greater than your hairloss problems.