Yeah, we've established he's bending the truth
You can't establish I'm bending the truth because I'm not.
You can believe I'm bending the truth but you'd be wrong.
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Yeah, we've established he's bending the truth
Tbh my first time as a man was no good either.
I was 17 and didn't have a clue. I actually googled what to do the day before I went to hers.
When it came to actual sex I was so tense and when it did come to actual sex I was so uptight that I couldn't come. We went for twenty minutes before I had to fake an orgasm just so it stopped.
I didn't get that good at sex until i'd been with 7 or 8 women.
You counted exactly to 2,000? This just keeps getting more and more believable
What is with people? I never said I was on any quest. I just slept around because it was fun.
Im sorry if i hurt your just gave me a laugh.
I am a woman and i can say with certainty that you did not sleep with 2000 virgins and semi new to sex women. That being said i don't really question your number. Anything is possible---just not 2000 virgins and semi virgins.
I mean you would have to be a Saudi Arabian Prince--and even they hire playmates and p*rn stars to come for very long visits.
It's a free country (at least until Trump takes the reins) and you can believe as you chose. But I was there and I know what happened and I'm confident that what I'm saying happened is roughly what happened. The people who were there find no problem with my number 2,000 and they all know I did not sleep with women who slept around. I didn't want to catch a venereal disease. Besides, women who slept around didn't turn me on.
Well you should get a blood test for herpes you can have it and not know it and it's usually not tested..I don't think HPV is tested regularly either with STD panel and it can also be without any symptoms especially for men.
if you are sleeping with that many people it's foolish not to assume you have something...odds are against you there.
nicole evangeline lilly. she was "kate" in lost.
View attachment 45292
I loved LOST, well until that weird black cloud started appearing, I didn't like the paranormal aspect of that show.
Ha, fair enough. But you know there's a pm function on here right? I can't speak for every "bitter [well, not a virgin, but certainly an incel]", but I thought this impact part of the forum was for guys with proper, significant hair loss to thrash out some of their problems and get support from guys in similar situations. It doesn't bother me hugely, but it's a little grating to see a lot of guys who don't seem to have much in the way of baldness, or hair loss related life problems at all, using it as a place to share sex stories and congratulate each other on how big a 'slayers' they are. Why even come onto impact if you're life isn't being significantly impacted (the clue's in the name) by hair loss?.
I can make myself appear almost like a fullhead tbh.I could not agree more with this. Sometimes it's downright laughable when I see guys with literally full heads of hair commenting on the impact of hair loss. How are you going to be impacted by something that you're not even really experiencing (or so barely that no one would even notice)? In the past, I've often said that this should be the BDD forum as opposed to the hair loss talk forum. I'd personally be embarrassed if I posted photos as an essential fullhead on a hair loss forum. I also agree with you about the sexual statistics. It doesn't bother me hugely and I just ignore it, but I couldn't give a midnight f*ck about how many women that a person that I don't even know has slept with.
Hair loss has made me consider suicide in the past - especially when I was younger - even though I only went from a NW1 to a NW2.5 it was still horrible and I kept seeing myself as a bald forty something with no women because I would be ugly and it made me want to end it all so people would remember me as a nice good looking guy. Not some bitter baldy.
I'm not for one minute suggesting that NW2's should be banned from posting or anything. I just wonder whether covertly bragging about your sexual conquests on an impact forum which is chock full of NW4+ incels might not be the kindest thing to do, especially given that, by your own admission, you're barely even an NW3. It's great to have some positive vibes around this place, don't get me wrong, but what you're doing is only helping your ego to the potential detriment of a lot of people on here less fortunate than you. Openly boasting about banging 30+ women to a group of guys who are struggling to lock down landwhales is at best tactless, at worst mate, its cruel. But whatever, it's just an opinion, take it or leave it.
The way I see it is most people had hair once and they had the chance to sleep around. They may be bald now and find it hard with the opposite sex but there isn't an excuse for not meeting women when they did have hair.I'm not for one minute suggesting that NW2's should be banned from posting or anything. I just wonder whether covertly bragging about your sexual conquests on an impact forum which is chock full of NW4+ incels might not be the kindest thing to do, especially given that, by your own admission, you're barely even an NW3. It's great to have some positive vibes around this place, don't get me wrong, but what you're doing is only helping your ego to the potential detriment of a lot of people on here less fortunate than you. Openly boasting about banging 30+ women to a group of guys who are struggling to lock down landwhales is at best tactless, at worst mate, its cruel. But whatever, it's just an opinion, take it or leave it.
I'm not the worlds most amazing lover.Well, you must be really good at it now.
I've got nothing to hide.I love how you always literaly respond to the posts and give yourself away
I don't think anyone will hate me for liking myself.So you like yourself... Other men are really gonna hate you.