Why again dont we stop testosterone?


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Klapsen said:
There are no products that just reduces DHT in the scalp, DHT can only be reduced by blokcing the enzymes and affect the whole body...

That's not true. There's such a thing as a topical 5a-reductase inhibitor. The fatty acids in Revivogen are an example of that, and topical progesterone apparently also works in that regard to some degree, too.

To the original poster: when you talk about "stopping testosterone" locally in the scalp, I assume you're referring to a topical antiandrogen. Is that correct?


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all im saying and the entire point of this post is we know the cause of male pattern baldness. Its testosterone and its that simple if caught before all the immune crap goes on. We dont have 1 treatment that stops testosterone locally in the scalp that works well. Thats the kind of treatment I think young men just starting to lose hair need to keep all there hair thats all.


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Then I'm going to assume that you ARE referring to a topical antiandrogen.

The ones we have now (spironolactone and perhaps fluridil) may not be all that effective. I wish we had a cheap, reliable source of RU58841.


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Bryan said:
Klapsen said:
There are no products that just reduces DHT in the scalp, DHT can only be reduced by blokcing the enzymes and affect the whole body...

That's not true. There's such a thing as a topical 5a-reductase inhibitor. The fatty acids in Revivogen are an example of that, and topical progesterone apparently also works in that regard to some degree, too.

To the original poster: when you talk about "stopping testosterone" locally in the scalp, I assume you're referring to a topical antiandrogen. Is that correct?


What are some other examples of topical 5a inhibitors?

I'm guessing maybe ell crannell alpha?

Have their ever been any studies on revivogen showing it can work by itself? Judging by the posts I read on HLH, it doesn't sound too effective


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abcdefg said:
estrogen is not bad for hair no one has proven that.

What does topical spironolactone do? or how does that work? so androgens such as testosterone, dht can not be reduced locally only?

I could make the counter argument that you have no clue what your talking about yourself and your 2 posts gives great credibility to that.

You shouldn't take into account my 2 posts to give or not credibility to what I say, I participate in other forums, not english forums, because I am not english and I feel more comfortable talking in my own laguange, I just worte here twice because I didn't have anything more to say, you have almost 500 posts and you are a total ignorant about alopecia and general health.

Estrogens are not bad for hair, in fact, they are good, beacause if there are a lot of estrogens there would be a lack of testosterone, but try to put estrogens in your body and see what happens, testosterone is the men principal hormone, you can't kill it without killing yourself.

Androgens CAN'T be reduced locally only AT A 100%, if you use something so powerful to inhibit it at a 100% it will have a systemic absorbtion for sure and will destroy your body, that's my point, I know Revivogen for example do it only locally, but at what %? 1%? 2%? Revivogen as all things has systemic absorbtion, the thing is that the product by itself is so weak that it has no effect in your body and of course in your hair, it only works if you have a very very very weak Androgenetic Alopecia, and even if you have it, the much you could expect is to mantain.


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I never said 100 percent or if I did i mean 99.5 percent or a percentage very close to 100 percent. No one has proven that in a 24 hour cycle its impossible to inhibit androgens near or at 100 percent locally.

Oh yeah also you said these before:
2) Do you have idea how testosterone is produced an how to block the production of it? There are no products that just reduces DHT in the scalp, DHT can only be reduced by blokcing the enzymes and affect the whole body and if you could reduce testosterone you would affect the whole body too with a lot more problems that reducing testosterone.

not to pick over words but your 100 percent wrong on saying there are no products that reduce dht in the scalp. spironolactone does reduce dht in the scalp, one could argue fatty acids like revivogen MIGHT reduce dht in scalp. RU was also a product that was found to reduce androgens to a significant point in the scalp. No one has brought any of these to market so it is impossible at this point to have proof that these products do indeed do as they say but majority of knowledgeable people in these forums agree on this.


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Also of course all products are absorbed into the scalp hence they are in your system but my friend its not so simple. The decomposition rate among many other things determines how far in your system all this mess gets. If it dissipates or becomes so few parts per part of blood then it is effectively local to the scalp and hence no major side effects would be expected. To say a local topical can not be made is pure fallacy unless you have proven this is not true.