Why are so many people on this board....


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Such wierd people. Like a lot of you guys are pretty cool and normal..but so many people that post here are so bizarre. Was it really because you started balding at an early age?

Like being inexperienced with women isnt such a big deal but the way some of you people talk, its as though you never lived amongst the living..i cant fathom how some of you dont know how to interact with people. And when giving opinions or advice on relationships or interaction with even the same sex its like you quote a 1950s sociology textbook. Its just really wierd to me.

Those of you know who im talking about. I want to understand how does it happen...how do grown men still not know how to talk normally to a woman or a coworker... or a peer...How is it that some of you analyze in your head the exact interval of how long to look a womans ***. Havent you ever had social interactions? I just dont get it...

Was it all because of baldness? Because the things that you speak of...they should have been mastered by the time you were a kid...Like you should have talked to people and been able to conversate normally with the same sex and opposite sex alike by the time you were 11.. I duno its just bizarre to me how some of you guys talk. I cannot relate at all to some of you so give me the low down on why your so socially under developed...


i dont know if you are reffering to me too , but i will try to explain it. some have i think some mental issues. and that is not meant in a bad way. i had that too, and everyone has some sort of mental problems. but some have some real mental issues. who i really dont understand is ccs. i dont know if he goes to a psychiatrist, but if not he really should. some here do and i think thats a good thing.
i think "normal" people "normally" dont have such problems with hairloss. so they dont come here and dont post here. or they just read it and then go away uninterested. but in here are all the mental cases who have problems with theirself. maybe some even have real diseases. and again, that s not meant in a bad way. if you have such a thing, go see a psychiatrist , he can help you.

and what im always saying is that the hairloss problems are not coz of the baldness itself, its coz the guys have other problems than hairloss. and thats the reason why they are suffering so much and come so often in here.
believe me, there are even other people without hairloss out there who are like that. at least i think. i dont know anyone like that, but i think there must be some. maybe even, and its just my hypothesis, the baldness makes people hope. hope for a better life without hairloss. they just dont accept it because there are treatments and transplants and so on. its not like for someone who lost his leg. these people know they wont get it back. and so they go on with life. but the people with hairloss, at least them in here, hope that they can beat hairloss and keep their life on hold. i see that on hairsite.com in the hair muliplication forum. there are people who say "if i get my hair back, i will do this and this" . even in here someone made a post, what people would do if they got their hair back. its just, noone accepts baldness as forever. everyone fights it. and fights against his own life. just my two cents.


Well, I guess I am among those you are refering to. What went wrong in my life? I can´t say for sure. When I was younger I used to get bullied in school or in my football club. So I ended up with a very low selfesteem that is why I didn´t have any friends and so I didn´t go out at the time I was a teenager. This led to the lack of social skills and this hasn´t changed until today. There are also various factors such as my ugliness or my father who never really cared for me. This probably made a freak out of me.

I have now slow started to change my life a bit. I am going to the gym, I am seeing a psychiatrist, I am on ADs. Let´s hope it helps a bit.


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geez, nobody combs to mind.. i have no clue what you are talking about :roll: :wink:

almost 3am off to download opera for my wii


Taugenichts said:
Well, I guess I am among those you are refering to. What went wrong in my life? I can´t say for sure. When I was younger I used to get bullied in school or in my football club. So I ended up with a very low selfesteem that is why I didn´t have any friends and so I didn´t go out at the time I was a teenager. This led to the lack of social skills and this hasn´t changed until today. There are also various factors such as my ugliness or my father who never really cared for me. This probably made a freak out of me.

I have now slow started to change my life a bit. I am going to the gym, I am seeing a psychiatrist, I am on ADs. Let´s hope it helps a bit.

thats good what you are doing. see , i was once in your situation, at 20 and before where i had no social skills. i then fighted for it , i did everything i could to learn and to make it better. and it helped. i dont have the best social skills yet, but im still working on it.

but go on with your plan . i appriciate it. :wink:


helpme007 said:
Taugenichts said:
Well, I guess I am among those you are refering to. What went wrong in my life? I can´t say for sure. When I was younger I used to get bullied in school or in my football club. So I ended up with a very low selfesteem that is why I didn´t have any friends and so I didn´t go out at the time I was a teenager. This led to the lack of social skills and this hasn´t changed until today. There are also various factors such as my ugliness or my father who never really cared for me. This probably made a freak out of me.

I have now slow started to change my life a bit. I am going to the gym, I am seeing a psychiatrist, I am on ADs. Let´s hope it helps a bit.

thats good what you are doing. see , i was once in your situation, at 20 and before where i had no social skills. i then fighted for it , i did everything i could to learn and to make it better. and it helped. i dont have the best social skills yet, but im still working on it.

but go on with your plan . i appriciate it. :wink:

Could you tell me more about what exactly you did? I am always open for good advices. Thank you in Advance!


i went to clubs (disco). i went into my old soccer club again. and some other things.


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JayB said:
Such wierd people. Like a lot of you guys are pretty cool and normal..but so many people that post here are so bizarre. Was it really because you started balding at an early age?

Like being inexperienced with women isnt such a big deal but the way some of you people talk, its as though you never lived amongst the living..i cant fathom how some of you dont know how to interact with people. And when giving opinions or advice on relationships or interaction with even the same sex its like you quote a 1950s sociology textbook. Its just really wierd to me.

Those of you know who im talking about. I want to understand how does it happen...how do grown men still not know how to talk normally to a woman or a coworker... or a peer...How is it that some of you analyze in your head the exact interval of how long to look a womans ***. Havent you ever had social interactions? I just dont get it...

Was it all because of baldness? Because the things that you speak of...they should have been mastered by the time you were a kid...Like you should have talked to people and been able to conversate normally with the same sex and opposite sex alike by the time you were 11.. I duno its just bizarre to me how some of you guys talk. I cannot relate at all to some of you so give me the low down on why your so socially under developed...

Since you are so socially gifted.. I'm suprised that you haven't observed this outside of the hairloss community also.. I meet many people without hairloss that have these social/ personal problems so I don't really understand what you're so confused about..?? :?


Established Member
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this is a wind up, everyone.

jayb: if you can post some 470 messages on this forum, that to me spells seriously disturbed as well!!!

nice try :lol: :lol:

join the queue for the straitjacket and padded cell.


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what does his post count have to do about anything? 470 posts since dec 2004 doesnt seem all that unreasonable to me.

Far Too Young

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Normal people aren't bothered by hairloss?

You're looking at a Student Body President here. Voted Most Likely to Succeed. Varsity athlete lettered in four sports. Dated only the prettiest girls...you know, the whole shebang. I'm not trying to brag here, though it unavoidably sounds so. Simply, there''s no lack of social skills here. It's just that hair loss bothers people of all types. I think someone who feels like they have tons to lose will be equally as wounded as someone who feels like this is "one more thing wrong with them". Then again, I probably would have been able to handle this a little better if hadn't started happening at 18. I think hairloss is a tough thing to handle no matter who you are.


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I can guarentie you that almost EVERY SINGLE MAN - NO MATTER WHAT AGE would rather have his hair than not. So what is it you dont understand about people being bothered by hairloss?


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JayB..you need to look at it this way.

I would guess the majority of posters here have some sort of issues that are amplified by OCD. When handed an outlet to speak their peace with the safety net of anonymity what most people try to hide comes out and it is mistaken for oddness when it is really nothing but the truth that most people feel in this position.

Letting it out is important and is cathartic.

It is no insult to say this and nobody should take offense. Everyone has issues, it's just that hair loss with what I said above is just what led them here.

It is best to vent your problems and work on them instead of letting them twist and fester inside.


Experienced Member
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JayB said:
Such wierd people. Like a lot of you guys are pretty cool and normal..but so many people that post here are so bizarre. Was it really because you started balding at an early age?

Like being inexperienced with women isnt such a big deal but the way some of you people talk, its as though you never lived amongst the living..i cant fathom how some of you dont know how to interact with people. And when giving opinions or advice on relationships or interaction with even the same sex its like you quote a 1950s sociology textbook. Its just really wierd to me.

Those of you know who im talking about. I want to understand how does it happen...how do grown men still not know how to talk normally to a woman or a coworker... or a peer...How is it that some of you analyze in your head the exact interval of how long to look a womans ***. Havent you ever had social interactions? I just dont get it...

Was it all because of baldness? Because the things that you speak of...they should have been mastered by the time you were a kid...Like you should have talked to people and been able to conversate normally with the same sex and opposite sex alike by the time you were 11.. I duno its just bizarre to me how some of you guys talk. I cannot relate at all to some of you so give me the low down on why your so socially under developed...

Well there are alot of people in their late teens posting here and im guessing alot of people who may still live at home with their parents. Some people are late in developing social skills. I would think their social skills would change dramaticly once they enter "the real world", where you are forced to interact on a daily basis with the type of people you would not have been comfortable with in the past. eg, work, flat-mates etc..


Established Member
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From what I've noticed since I've been a member here, is that there seem to be a wide variety of people on here, from a wide variety of different places. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe some of this is caused by cultural differences?
All these people seem to be very nice and they seem to have awsome social skills when it comes to posting online .I think that those people, who seem to be having a difficult time, with say women, will realize that they just have to take the tools they express here online and apply them to their lives.
The things that these people have difficulty with are no different from "you, signing up to a hairloss forum and posting questions". You to are insecure about something, maybe to a lesser degree, but still insecure.
So instead of critisizing, lend a helpful word or a little encouragment. It's people like you who have held these people back.


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Alot of people on here are probably normal in social situations. But the fact that we are all anominous to each other allows you to vent your real feelings. As you can tell from the amount of time I spend on here hairloss has been just about the worst/biggest thing in my life, I know its an unhealthy obsession but nobody I work/interact socially with has any idea that I am even slightly bothered by it.


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haunted-ballroom said:
Well there are alot of people in their late teens posting here and im guessing alot of people who may still live at home with their parents. Some people are late in developing social skills. I would think their social skills would change dramaticly once they enter "the real world", where you are forced to interact on a daily basis with the type of people you would not have been comfortable with in the past. eg, work, flat-mates etc..

I agree with your statement. It would be easy to deal with life if we could interact with people equal to ourself.

I and Taug dont fit in this society where we're supposed to Dinner, Drink, Dance and Drive to have a chance on Date.

Maybe i would be happier in a society with less expectations like some in third world.