Why are you people exaggerating this hard ?


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agree i really envy my friend
he met his gf in high school been together ever sine
- she's very pretty
- she's slim/works out
- 1 sexual partner
- no issues
- vvery smart
id kill for tht sh*t.
thats so rare these days

go on dating apps/tinder and sh*t 25+ and you're fucked.

you're legit bettter being single or just casual sex/ pump and dump then be with these damaged ruin they'll ruin u
My friend has complete dogshit game, but he has no signs of baldness.
He.s shorter than me and doesnt have my decent facial bones.
But guess what, hair is 40% of your physical appeareance so, as long as you.re not fat or bald, women are easy.