
why can some people pull off bald?


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yea true. speaking of looking good bald i think simon pegg looks decent with a receded hairline

Zidane's hairloss is ridiculously advanced. Most people would consider him bald, and I think at this stage in hair loss, slick bald isn't going to be of any cosmetic difference for him.

zinedine-zidane-2014 (1).jpg
Damn, he looks incredible (yes homo)
Simon pegg does look good receeded yeah. He's done a good job of keeping his hair loss at bay.


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Problem for white dudes, especially those of northern european origin, is not so much the skin pigment (while that is a bonus of course) it is primarily to do with the disproportionately large 5 finger foreheads and the small, narrow looking jaws many caucasians seem to have... Many white guys (myself included) end up looking something like this below, if we try to "pull off" the bald look, lol. Some East Africans, such as Somalis, Eritreans and Ethiopeans look similar to this too when bald, just a darker version.

The darker skin tone makes minor difference if the headshape is bad.

The alien look is the more evolved, advanced look for a superiorly intelligent being. The wide jawline and other related features indicates neanderthal who is less intelligent. This is why you rarely see smart people with neanderthal features. So, be careful what you wish for.


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Honestly I can pull it off, but I don't like the way I look.

I have defined features, sharp green eyes, and a muscular build. Im used to having the boyish handsome good looks that pulls young hotties. Not so much brutal 40 year old baggage at the local bars.

Most important part when loosing hair is being low body fat so your facial structure looks sharp. Most people under estimate the importance of having a defined jaw line. It's an absolute pantie wetter, which is correlated to body fat percentage, not so much how big it is.

Most women wont admit it, but a strong jaw line, and great eyes is all you need. Every good looking guy has these features.


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Honestly I can pull it off, but I don't like the way I look.

I have defined features, sharp green eyes, and a muscular build. Im used to having the boyish handsome good looks that pulls young hotties. Not so much brutal 40 year old baggage at the local bars.

Most important part when loosing hair is being low body fat so your facial structure looks sharp. Most people under estimate the importance of having a defined jaw line. It's an absolute pantie wetter, which is correlated to body fat percentage, not so much how big it is.

Most women wont admit it, but a strong jaw line, and great eyes is all you need. Every good looking guy has these features.

I agree 100% only a handful of men have this, of course having these and good hair will send you to the moon.But those alone will get you laid anytime you want.


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I often wonder this.

In the past I've looked around slybaldguys and other websites in preparation for the transition to slick bald. Despite what the SBG crowd would have you believe, not everyone suits the look... In fact, most of us don't.

There are some lucky bastards that look incredible bald, such as Joey Lawrence, Billy Zane, zidane etc...

Some people however look like **** such as billy corgan, Moby etc...

The main things I tend to notice;

Dark features: thick bushy eyebrows, facial hair and darker skin usually help. Black men usually look good bald

Low body fat: This one's a given. People with low body fat will always look better, hair or not.. Its just more important bald.

Strong features: you need a wide chin, a strong nose and chiselled cheeks to help, losing bf can help achieve this.

A good shaped noggin: A head shaped like a peanut or a lightbulb isn't going to help

What else do you need to look good/bad bald? Feel free to post pics of people who pull it off/ look like ***.

You need masculine features. Good eyebrows, masculine nose, jawline, low body fat. Essentially high testosterone indicators.
Black guys typically have these, and this is the reason they pull it off.

A classic example is Mike Tyson

Also, a longer face. A shorter face, like LL Cool's doesnt suit the bald look.


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You need masculine features. Good eyebrows, masculine nose, jawline, low body fat. Essentially high testosterone indicators.
Black guys typically have these, and this is the reason they pull it off.

A classic example is Mike Tyson

Also, a longer face. A shorter face, like LL Cool's doesnt suit the bald look.

Hey, I've loved LL Cool J for years! He's on my bucket list--lol! (And yes, cocohot, my husband is aware of my attraction to black men, and he even points out good-looking ones to me, just like I point out women to him.)

uncomfortable man

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I love how people cite how you need all of these features that are beyond our control to mitage other features that are also beyond our control. Poooiiinnntttlllleeeeeeesssssss.


My Regimen
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The thing is that very few people can pull it off. Attractive bald people are uncommon.


White/pale skin: not a singel person in my opinion.
Darker skin: the Rock, Michael Jordan and a few more.

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My Regimen
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The bald poster boy.

Achieved the incredible by making the bald look fashion back in the 90s.
Got thousands of men with intact hair to shave.



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The bald poster boy.

Achieved the incredible by making the bald look fashion back in the 90s.
Got thousands of men with intact hair to shave.

View attachment 113415
Well.... MJ did have an influence on the cropped head look of the 90's but in my circles it was mostly down to Henry Rollins and alternative culture in general.


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My Regimen
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I love how people cite how you need all of these features that are beyond our control to mitage other features that are also beyond our control. Poooiiinnntttlllleeeeeeesssssss.
Lol ye what the hell who cares about all this sh*t, what will I do with this useless information??