Why Can't I Seem To Commit Myself To A Relationship


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In the end it's all about knowing when it's time to fight and trying to improve, and when it's time to give up. But you have to be self-aware and brave enough to realize and do it.


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There were definitely warning signs in hindsight. Very manipulative, lied about stupid sh*t, etc. I'm glad it happened to me early in life for what you said. I've learned and grown from the experience.Theres the initial phases which sucks, the depression, anger, the victimization mentality. Once you get past to accepting that all women are the same (hypergamous manipulative creatures, it's engrained instinctively for women to survive) you have a sense of clarity you've never thought possible, it flows into all areas of life, relationships in general really. In a fucked up way she made me a way better and stronger man and I'm glad it happened.

No offense she did not make you stronger she made you weaker and slightly paranoid.

your answer to a female f*****g you over is to assume that every female is exactly the same--why? because that makes it easier for you.

thats not strong..thats the definition of weak.

Not saying this to be a dick--just seems kind of obvious to me.

You are allowing her to rob you of a future with someone in a meaningful relationship..she won.

g.i joey

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No offense she did not make you stronger she made you weaker and slightly paranoid.

your answer to a female f*****g you over is to assume that every female is exactly the same--why? because that makes it easier for you.

thats not strong..thats the definition of weak.

Not saying this to be a dick--just seems kind of obvious to me.

You are allowing her to rob you of a future with someone in a meaningful relationship..she won.

I feel like you're more offended as a woman and it made you respond this way, but yes temporarily he might be weaker due to it, but once he submerges from all that sadness sh*t it would ahve definitely made him stronger, you learn how to be indifferent, and im sure at this point hes realized not to base his emotions and his happiness on the state of his relationship, which is something i had to learn the hard way, once you realize that everyone is replaceable i find you can approach relationships with alot more ease, and usually have the upper hand this way.

Also, i wouldnt call it paranoia when its already happened, and just simple interactions with different social groups will make you realize this happens more often than you'd think. Women are sneaky, men are too, but nowadays it seems as if the man and woman role has changed. Woman have become more sneakier/attention thirtsy in this generation and do ALOT for it. It used to be woman looking for a nice man to settle down with, based on what i see, its the men looking for a loyal woman to settle down with nowadays.


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[QUOTE="g.i joey, post: 1496161, member: 80662"]I feel like you're more offended as a woman and it made you respond this way, [/QUOTE]

Not at all I would say same thing to women who husbands cheated on them and then view all men as 'bad' and distrustful..

You cant have good relationships with people if you go in distrustful.

what you have to do instead is feel independent in spirit so IF the relationship goes sour your not impacted that badly.

but this assumption all of one gender is 'no good' if a woman its men, if its men its women is just 'weak'.

And it is paranoia if its about ALL women he is ever going to date...

think about it.

If you had a car accident and then start driving again--its paranoia to think every driver is going to hit your car.

Thats trauma and PTSD--so this women gave him PTSD so bad that he is going to go in assuming every woman is a cheater due to her natural instincts? Thats not a 'weakness' to you that needs therapy?


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No offense she did not make you stronger she made you weaker and slightly paranoid.

your answer to a female f*****g you over is to assume that every female is exactly the same--why? because that makes it easier for you.

thats not strong..thats the definition of weak.

Not saying this to be a dick--just seems kind of obvious to me.

You are allowing her to rob you of a future with someone in a meaningful relationship..she won.
No. I know not every woman or man is a cheater, what I do know now is that they all have the capacity to do it and not throw all my investment and happiness into one person. I lost who I was over a piece of ***. I'll date, sure. I just won't get all bent out of shape if something goes wrong, I'll cut off all ties and move on instead. She hasn't robbed me of anything, LTR isn't for me I've realized. Variety is the spice of life. I was an idiot to get married so young when I could've been sleeping with different women weekly. Now I know.


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Relationships are dynamic and cheating is a two-way street. If the other person values what you have to give and they know they will lose it if they cheat they will be much less prone to doing so.

Moreover, both sexes cheat and every person has a different propensity to do so. Just last night I had a guy tell me that he recently cheated on his gf while drunk. I've had opportunities to do so but passed them over. My girlfriends have all been loyal to me. I've also made it clear that I will leave them immediately and break off contact if they cheat.

I think this vicious attitude towards women as hypergamous and manipulative is an artifact of the simple, trusting mindset that is ingrained in a lot of guys through media and the school system. Instead of being moderated with knowledge and experience, this mindset instead becomes inverted into hyperbolic red pill bullshit when they find out that yes, women are not fairies and can do a lot of sh*t to you if you let them.
Zircon, dam your good. Your articulation is always impressive and your content was too. I hope some day you write a book and get it published.


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lol so you bring 5 cases and call it a black pill, could you generalize even more?
obviously some women, maybe even a lot of them, do not find balding men attractive, but please do not post 5 cases and call it a fact as if all of them are like that, thanks.


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When I was 15, folks in school already used to say I'm balding. Well that time I was probably too 'immature' to have a gf to begin with. In the next two grades before college I was shifted to another school, which happened to be an all boys school. There it was sort of... relaxing? Because It was the perfect example of the vast diversity of people I would meet, going ahead in life. Since our previous school was kinda high society, so had more 'clean' people. I did get mocked about my hair, and how it made me look much older. I didn't care much, since my mind used to be literally in another dimension.

By the time I was out, into college, my hair loss became much worse. I just thought to myself, better giving up on having a relation ever. That worked for me. My relatives would constantly pester me whether I have a gf and all, they seemed to find it hard to believe that hair/looks play a MAJOR role in relationships, atleast the short term ones formed during academy phase.

Now that I'm working, my family (apart from mom & dad) ask me if I have any relations or what not. They're like hair doesn't play a major role and bullshit. I'm probably somewhere inside glad, I didn't have to deal with a relation and then watch it break off because some other younger handsome dude would jump in and take my prize.