Why Do People Keep Doing This When They Look At Me


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Ok guys I really really have to ask you this because it's been at least one year in my head.
I thought it was just a feeling or a small paranoia but it's real.

MANY times a day, when I walk down the street or meet other men, they f*****g look at me and then touch their hair or comb it with their hands.
They don't even realize it they just do it as a reflex. They always do it.

What the f***? I peek into other people's conversations and no one ever does this. People do this almost unconsciously only when I show up. Does this happen to anyone of you?

Is this related to some fucked up side effect of balding that discomforts people unconsciously? Because that wouldn't even surprise me.


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Yeah I've noticed that even happened today, jumped in a taxi, the first thing the driver did was brush his hair, didn't look like it needed brushing to me .... perfect dense NW1 :(


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When people see people with visible hair loss they might become concerned that they are also experiencing hair loss, so they will comb and muss their hair and check how dense it feels in order to reassure themselves. I'll admit I have been guilty of this in the past.


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When people see people with visible hair loss they might become concerned that they are also experiencing hair loss, so they will comb and muss their hair and check how dense it feels in order to reassure themselves. I'll admit I have been guilty of this in the past.

This is what I was fearing.
I just want to die. No point in living with such a pitiful appearance.


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This is what I was fearing.
I just want to die. No point in living with such a pitiful appearance.
This sh*t does truly suck balls.

What's your plan to return to full head ? Save for transplant or ride it out till 2020ish for the cure


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I was in a local shop recently and was standing two meters behind a guy. I just did a fresh buzzcut.

He grabbed his change, turned to exit and met my hairline. He looked with repulsion and leaned back a bit in a disgust.

Then he made a C figure around me like I was plagued keeping staring to hairline and went to the exit.

It was like slow-mo, lol.


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I was in a local shop recently and was standing two meters behind a guy. I just did a fresh buzzcut.

He grabbed his change, turned to exit and met my hairline. He looked with repulsion and leaned back a bit in a disgust.

Then he made a C figure around me like I was plagued keeping staring to hairline and went to the exit.

It was like slow-mo, lol.

I want to knife him in his kidney for you.


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BALDING as opposed to being bald, ignites the involuntary reflex

Any guy worried about genetics is thinking, """ geez I'm glad its him and not me

Ok guys I really really have to ask you this because it's been at least one year in my head.
I thought it was just a feeling or a small paranoia but it's real.

MANY times a day, when I walk down the street or meet other men, they f*****g look at me and then touch their hair or comb it with their hands.
They don't even realize it they just do it as a reflex. They always do it.

What the f***? I peek into other people's conversations and no one ever does this. People do this almost unconsciously only when I show up. Does this happen to anyone of you?

Is this related to some fucked up side effect of balding that discomforts people unconsciously? Because that wouldn't even surprise me.


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I was in a local shop recently and was standing two meters behind a guy. I just did a fresh buzzcut.

He grabbed his change, turned to exit and met my hairline. He looked with repulsion and leaned back a bit in a disgust.

Then he made a C figure around me like I was plagued keeping staring to hairline and went to the exit.

It was like slow-mo, lol.
I was in a local shop recently and was standing two meters behind a guy. I just did a fresh buzzcut.

He grabbed his change, turned to exit and met my hairline. He looked with repulsion and leaned back a bit in a disgust.

Then he made a C figure around me like I was plagued keeping staring to hairline and went to the exit.

It was like slow-mo, lol.
Straight to the hard liquor that night


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Maybe because they suffered from hairloss in the past and now they got a hairtransplant, many men lose only their front hair, so a hair transplant can make it look like it never happened. I suppose when they comb their hair it's their way of saying thank god i don't have to worry about that for now.


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A girl got on the bus, looked at me (stared even) and decided not to take the sit. During the trip, the bus suddenly stopped, she lost her balance and fell down face-first on the floor. She stayed there for about 30 seconds before an old man helped her, she didn't break her nose but she was quite hurt and in pain and got off the next stop where a friend was waiting for her. Best thing of the day, I keep smiling thinking about it.
This is nothing to celebrate. You should of got off the bus and made sure she was alright.


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vain b****s with full heads are constantly running their hands through their hair. it's like a f*****g tick of narcissistic people. there is a girl who sits outside my office sometimes who is a typical make-up bimbo. she combs her fingers through her hair in that vain, sensual way constantly, and when she isn't doing that, she is twirling the strands that hang down near her chin. i made a game out of it and counted the times she did her "hair masturbation". 67 times in the span of three minutes when i stopped counting.

humans are obsessed with hair.