Not where im at, its like the snl episode with margret robbieAlmost all guys would f*** anything half-decent, so it is irrelevant.
I was only talking about relationships. Everyone ends up with their looksmatch.
Not where im at, its like the snl episode with margret robbieAlmost all guys would f*** anything half-decent, so it is irrelevant.
I was only talking about relationships. Everyone ends up with their looksmatch.
Thissslook at my avatar. One look form Ragnar and all the village women get wet as f***.
Apparently they can, I see mismatched couples sometimes, as I said. Girls in my same condition had it way better than myself, and found a better looking boyfriend. Mind you, not a 7-8/10, of course, but a 5-6/10 nonetheless. Hypergamy, b****s.
Anyway, it's not my problem any longer, I've been out of the dating game for a very long time now and I haven't spoken to a girl in years.
That depends on the girl's level of attractiveness.
A 6/10 girl will have to settle for a 6/10 man, she has no choice.
I've had an eye-opening experience in SE Asia.
An Asian girl let me see her Tinder account.
She matched like 20 men only, all male model level. She messaged them all first, none of them replied.
The only guys that replied were a potato-faced 6/10 and... well, me.
She was like "I don't even want them to reply! I messaged them for the laughs!"
Yeah right, keep coping sweetie.
And there you have the glaring flaw of the Tinder male model experiments you find on sluthate: the male model guys would not even repy to any girl below their level of attractiveness.
Why would they? And of course, this goes both way. No one can date out of their leagues.
They can't. Why would these 6/10 guys choose a 3/10 when they can have a looksmatched girl just as easily?
Not to mention that girls are muck pickier than guys. The majority of couples are looks-matched, but in many couples you can see that the girl is "uglier". In Italy I've never seen average guys with cute girls, but I've seen many average girls with hot guys. Hypergamy at its finest.
If Berlusconi was your neighbour who works at Wallmart, he'd be like the other old ugly guys, invisible, no, repulsive to any fertile girl.
If Berlusconi was your neighbour who works at Wallmart, he'd be like the other old ugly guys, invisible, no, repulsive to any fertile girl.
You wish.
Looks are all that matters in the dating game.
A poor jobless male model guy will clean up while an average-looking guy who has his life together and even more will struggle to get a girl's attention.
You wish.
Looks are all that matters in the dating game.
A poor jobless male model guy will clean up while an average-looking guy who has his life together and even more will struggle to get a girl's attention.
Yeah it's tiring. You'd think it's trolling but he probably believes his own BS.
Even people in my daily life still believe nonsense like "money/status will get you hot women!".
For whatever reason, they're not making the distinction you make, whereby they will get the hot women in the nominal sense but not necessarily sexually excite them. IT's not a complex point right there, so I don't know why people miss it. Some women are making a "devil's bargain", they're giving up hot sex for financial security and material comfort. There are no doubt some women willing to do that.
I do believe that there is a modest money dividend. But it doesn't apply to most men and it's not as big a lever as looks. If you're a medical doctor and you make $350,000/year you probably get a +1. Silvio Berlusconi makes ~2.0 trillion Euros a year (the annual GDP of Italy) and so he might get a +5, but that's not relevant to our conversation.
One thing I noticed is that these guys seem to be doing all the talking, with the woman just nodding in agreement.
David, I agree with that first paragraph to a certain degree. I've seen several cases of younger women dating semi-average guys, just so they can be given security and comfort without having to pay for it themselves. I know a specific girl who did that very same thing recently. When you think about it, it's almost like being a wh***. Trading their p***y for money and things related to money. "Ugly" is where women draw the line. I've never seen any beautiful woman marry an ugly guy for all of these things. Well actually, there is one instance that I can think of where "ugly" married "beauty" but from what I hear (since I don't know this guy personally), the infidelity runs so damn rampant that this is not even a healthy relationship to begin with.
Yes, I am. Italy is a beautiful country, unfortunately Italians are shitty people. Italian girls are perhaps the worst girls in Europe, the epitome of shallowness and hypocrisy.
With the exception of Stone Cold Steve Austin and I'm sure there are a few others, why does it seem like women are repulsed by bald white guys who have blue eyes yet are more open to dating/sexually attracted to bald guys who have brown eyes? Just something I've observed.
One of my good friends is also a bald white guy like myself who has brown eyes (I have blue eyes), we have about the same complexion and height and yet he seems to get more attention from women including some approaches when we go out while I barely get any attention.
If there are any other bald, white guys with blue eyes reading can you relate or have you had better experiences with women? I know that being tall also helps (I'm only 5'9") but as I mentioned my friend is about the same height and seems to get more attention when we're out.
Regarding blue eyes, I thought they used to be viewed as a positive trait but unless you're darker complected or have dark hair these days it seems to be a turnoff to women.
Perfect according to whom? because if you mean perfect according to you and your dick is not hot when you see her, then you may have a problem.My beautiful big dick is not hot when i see a perfect model woman.
Spot on man! Spot the f*** on. Most women don't give a sh*t what your job is at parties, bars, and clubs especially if you're attractive. Of course the jobless male model would do better if he had a great job but he would still do better than 98% of guys.You wish.
Looks are all that matters in the dating game.
A poor jobless male model guy will clean up while an average-looking guy who has his life together and even more will struggle to get a girl's attention.