Why Do You Guys Even Care About Women?


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If you have to act alpha... you're not alpha. I've tried doing it myself (have done it for most of my life really) and it does work for a while, then it just get boring and exhausting to keep up. End you end up breaking down. I've also had some real alpha moments when i didn't have to think or act like nothing, stuff just happened naturally. This is what we should aim for.

If most of your gfs were psycho, then there's something wrong with you and your selection process. Or something draws them to you.

I have noticed that i tend to act alpha naturally ONLY with certain women. Women that i'm attracted to.

And i'm not attracted to many women, so most of the time, i simply don't give a f***.

Most women today are so masculine and unfeminine that i really never fall in love.
I always loved the "cute, innocent and naive" girls... even if it's just an illusion.