I am just wondering for all of you here, why haven't you done a hair transplant? Most of you must really care about hair + how you look, that's why we are all here. And seems like everyone has tried most or all treatments, wasted a bunch of money, for years. Am I missing something?
Is it the cost? Sure it is expensive at around 8-10K, but it is generally a one time cost (maybe 2x) and doable if you save up. If you buy a ticket to another country, cost is only 4-5K all in.
Is it the risk of side effects? I know there is some initial shock loss, but from what I've heard it always grows back right? So far I have no heard of any hair transplant with hair that doesn't grow back. If you go to a crappy doctor if might look weird, but so far no other sides I can think of?
Is it intrusive? Seems like fairly minor compared to other surgeries.
Is it recovery time? Seems like recovery is fairly painless and quick? I've heard of scars and what not being no longer noticeable after a few days, some people go back to work the next day? Am I wrong here? Do you have to shave your entire head?
Is it scarring? Seems like with FUE scarring is minimal? At least it's not noticeable?
Is it waiting for a better option/treatment/cure? From what I heard a transplant shouldn't interfere with future treatments right? Plus there is basically nothing promising on the horizon, I have been following new treatment news very closely for 10 YEARS and NOTHING. I would bet my left nut that NOTHING significantly better will come out in the NEXT 10 YEARS. This seems like the best option for guaranteed effects NOW.
Seems like half of hollywood men have done it, and they look great.
I would love to hear the reasons why people haven't done a hair transplant, which is basically a permanent, low maintenance, semi-cure.
My hair loss is getting aggressive, I plan on trying minoxidil for 12 months and if that doesn't work I might just jump ahead to a hair transplant. Even minoxidil gets me a bit worried about the sides.
Would love your thoughts, thanks.