Why Elliot Rodger Couldn't Get A Girlfriend ?


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Again, you don't even need evidence, just look at how these countries are doing.

Well. One could argue that refusal to make babies and the popularity of the SJWs could also be used as a barometer of how well a country is doing, and it's future.


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IQ can be influenced by socioeconomic factors, for example the Flynn effect.

The low mean IQ in muslim countries right now is most certainly a product of the low educational opportunities there. It's just much easier to answer these kinds of questions if you've had a lot of good schooling:
View attachment 60352

IQ tests are also assume an arbitrary weighing of the sub-categories.

IQ tests are not about numerical ability but pattern recognition, which is mainly innate. The most reliable IQ test test things like this:


No amount of schooling can spoof this kind of ability more than 10 points on average.


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look guys, to end this discussion here, until now you couldn't prove that Islam encourage hating and killing, then you decided to protect yourselves and ideologies by hating on it using the evolution. some people like @Guzam needs mental help because they justifying killing innocent children and raping women by Israels, but says Muslims are terrorists and animals. There are some like Fred who is really insecure about something or many things and want to prove his worth and is narcissistic and needs to realize that he was born with a silver spoon up to his *** and he's nothing special as he thinks, and we're like that because we're ruled by sick, cruel fuckers. Hate is the simplest thing, hate for no reason, justifying hate by putting any reasons to protect your ideologies. Your hearts are filled with hatred and racism. I tried everything with you, but you keep looking for more pointless reason, not answering questions, disliking me for no reason, bunch of 20's years old males attacking a 17 years old all at ones just because he's a Muslim, yet they couldn't prove anything. 20's years old couldn't respond to a 17 years old and kept looking for more pointless reasons and insults and dislikes. That means an IQ of a 17 years old Arab trash is better than an IQ of a 20's years old guys from the "civilized" countries. Yeah i'm a trash and an animal and not human like you because of my religion, but i don't give a f***. I'll keep sticking to my religion because i don't care anyways, keep hating you sick pieces of shits.

lol he f*****g lost it. For the press: i never condoned war crimes lol
This guy is clearly low iq


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lol @ evolution deniers

you can see balding mammals in male's pattern here and there

what proof do you need


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This shows that you don't know what Zionism nor Greater Israel mean. Good job
Yeah i don't understand what Israel means when it's next country to my country. But you know everything in the universe.


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This conversation has degenerated unfortunately. It's no longer productive nor informative, if it ever was.

The people with the highest emotional intelligence here will be the ones who move on the earliest.


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Yeah i don't understand what Israel means when it's next country to my country. But you know everything in the universe.

Simple words:

Zionism = advocating the return of the Jewish people in the land of their forefathers. The Jews suffered enough, and in my opinion they deserve a land like any other people in the world; this land will be the land of the Jews before the Romans scattered them. Zionism is the movement of the return and formation of a Jewish state in the land of Israel; this is the scholarly definition I learned in school. To each nation its land, and the Jews have none.

Greater Israel = Israel's borders can be defined in many ways, because they are not historically clear. The greatest extent of the kingdom of the Jews is a good estimation, in my opinion, of the land the Jews deserve.

You've been told to hate zionism. Zionism is noble and is nothing more than what I wrote here. Everything else is antisemitism.


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There is 0 correlation between intelligence and wisdom though.

Self-loathing far-left people in the West are the living proof of that.

At least you agree that the western nations are not wise.


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There is no such thing as emotional intelligence:

There is no such thing as EQ. Let me repeat that: "There is NO SUCH THING AS EQ." The idea was popularized by a journalist, Daniel Goleman, not a psychologist. You can't just invent a trait. You have to define it and measure it and distinguish it from other traits and use it to predict the important ways that people vary.

EQ is not a psychometrically valid concept. Insofar as it is anything (which it isn't) it's the Big Five trait agreeableness, although this depends, as it shouldn't, on which EQ measure is being used (they should all measure THE SAME THING). Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, but they can also be pushovers. Disagreeable people, on average (if they aren't too disagreeable) make better managers, because they are straightforward, don't avoid conflict and cannot be easily manipulated.

Let me say it again: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EQ. Scientifically, it's a fraudulent concept, a fad, a convenient band-wagon, a corporate marketing scheme. (Here's an early critique by Davies, M., Stankov, L. and Roberts, D. Emotional intelligence: in search of an elusive construct. - PubMed - NCBI ; Here's a conclusion reached by Harms and Crede, in an excellent article -- comprehensive and well thought-through (2010): "Our searches of the literature revealed only six articles in which the authors either explicitly examined the incremental validity of EI scores over measures of both cognitive ability and Big Five personality traits in predicting either academic or work performance, or presented data in a manner that allowed examination of this issue. Not one of these six articles (Barchard,2003; Newsome, Day, & Catano, 2000;O’Connor & Little, 2003; Rode, Arthaud-Day, Mooney, Near, & Baldwin, 2008;Rode et al., 2007; Rossen & Kranzler,2009) showed a significant contribution for EI in the prediction of performance after controlling for both cognitive ability and the Big Five... For correlations involving the overall EI construct, EI explained almost no incremental variance in performance ([change in prediction] = .00. Findings were identical when considering only cases involving an ability-based measure of IE...." See: http://snip.ly/7kc45

Harms and Crede also comment: "...proofs of validity [for EI[ seem to come from measuring constructs that have existed for a long time and are simply being relabeled and recategorized. For example,one of the proposed measures of ESC,the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Mikolajczak, Luminet, Leroy, & Roy,2007), makes use of measures of assertiveness, social competence, self-confidence,stress management, and impulsivity among other things. Most, if not all, of these constructs are firmly embedded in and well-accounted for by well-designed measures of personality traits such as the Hogan Personality Inventory (Hogan & Hogan, 1992)and the Multidimensional Personality Ques-tionnaire (Tellegen & Waller, 2008). The substantial relationships observed between these ESC and trait-based EI measures, and personality inventories, bears this out. It therefore appears that the predictive validity of ESC or EI measures may be accounted for in large part by the degree to which they assess subfacets of higher-order traits relevant to the outcomes being predicted. For example, Cherniss (2010) relates that two studies of self-discipline showed them to be significant predictors of academic performance and then criticizes Landy (2005) for not taking them into account in a review of studies of ‘‘social intelligence.’’ Given that self-control (or impulse control)is widely regarded as a major subfacet of conscientiousness (Roberts, Chernyshenko,Stark, & Goldberg, 2005) and that numerous studies have linked Conscientiousness with academic performance, that there is a link between a facet of Conscientiousness and academic performance is hardly news."

IQ is a different story. It is the most well-validated concept in the social sciences, bar none. It is an excellent predictor of academic performance, creativity, ability to abstract, processing speed, learning ability and general life success.

There are other traits that are important to general success, including conscientiousness, which is an excellent predictor of grades, managerial and administrative ability, and life outcomes, on the more conservative side.

It should also be noted that IQ is five or more times as powerful a predictor as even good personality trait predictors such as conscientiousness. The true relationship between grades, for example, and IQ might be as high as r = .50 or even .60 (accounting for 25-36% of the variance in grades). Conscientiousness, however, probably tops out at around r = .30, and is more typically reported as r = .25 (say, 5 to 9% of the variance in grades). There is nothing that will provide you with a bigger advantage in life than a high IQ. Nothing. To repeat it: NOTHING.

In fact, if you could choose to be born at the 95th percentile for wealth, or the 95th percentile for IQ, you would be more successful at age 40 as a consequence of the latter choice.

It might be objected that we cannot measure traits such as conscientiousness as well as we measure IQ, as we primarily rely on self or other-reports for the former. But no one has solved this problem. There are no "ability" tests for conscientiousness. I am speaking as someone who has tried to produce such tests for ten years, and failed (despite trying dozens of good ideas, with top students working on the problem). IQ is king. This is why academic psychologists almost never measure it. If you measure it along with your putatively "new" measure, IQ will kill your ambitions. For the career minded, this is a no go zone. So people prefer to talk about multiple intelligences and EQ, and all these things that do not exist. PERIOD.


By the way, there is also no such thing as "grit," despite what Angela Duckworth says. Grit is conscientiousness, plain and simple (although probably more the industrious side than the orderly side). All Duckworth and her compatriots did was fail to notice that they had re-invented a very well documented phenomena, that already had a name (and, when they did notice it, failed to produce the appropriate mea culpas. Not one of psychology's brighter moments). A physicists who "re-discovered" iron and named it melignite or something equivalent would be immediately revealed as ignorant or manipulative (or, more likely, as ignorant and manipulative), and then taunted out of the field. Duckworth? She received a MacArthur Genius grant for her trouble. That's all as reprehensible as the self-esteem craze (self-esteem, by the way, is essentially .65 Big Five trait neuroticism (low) and .35 extraversion (high), with some accurate self-assessment of general life competence thrown in, for those who are a bit more self-aware). See http://snip.ly/5smyx

By the way, in case I haven't made myself clear: THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS EQ. OR GRIT. OR "SELF-ESTEEM."

It's crooked psychology. Reminiscent of all the recent upheaval in the social psychology subfield: Final Report: Stapel Affair Points to Bigger Problems in Social Psychology

Source: https://www.quora.com/What-is-more-...the-other-being-average-or-below-this-average

Great answer. Best answer to a cuckpost like that one.


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This conversation has degenerated unfortunately. It's no longer productive nor informative, if it ever was.

The people with the highest emotional intelligence here will be the ones who move on the earliest.
This isn't even a discussion. I'm debating with like 6 people at the same time about different things while getting bombarded with dislikes and insults and all of them are like 10 years older than me. It's not a discussion, it's a joke and pure hate.


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This isn't even a discussion. I'm debating with like 6 people at the same time about different things while getting bombarded with dislikes and insults and all of them are like 10 years older than me. It's not a discussion, it's a joke and pure hate.

poor muslim is always the victim


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Simple words:

Zionism = advocating the return of the Jewish people in the land of their forefathers. The Jews suffered enough, and in my opinion they deserve a land like any other people in the world; this land will be the land of the Jews before the Romans scattered them. Zionism is the movement of the return and formation of a Jewish state in the land of Israel; this is the scholarly definition I learned in school. To each nation its land, and the Jews have none.

Greater Israel = Israel's borders can be defined in many ways, because they are not historically clear. The greatest extent of the kingdom of the Jews is a good estimation, in my opinion, of the land the Jews deserve.

You've been told to hate zionism. Zionism is noble and is nothing more than what I wrote here. Everything else is antisemitism.
Yeah because they were promised a land in their book, then it's alright to kill people and get it. They fucked really well with your minds using their media and gold, LOL. I bet one of them is dying of laughter while he's watching our "discussion". It's a funny thing actually that some humans can be that ignorant and stupid. This discussion is funny joke.


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Yeah because they were promised a land in their book, then it's alright to kill people and get it. They fucked really well with your minds using their media and gold, LOL. I bet one of them is dying of laughter while he's watching our "discussion". It's a funny thing actually that some humans can be that ignorant and stupid. This discussion is funny joke.

Historically Jews lived in Israel up until the Romans sent them away. This is a fact backed by archeological evidence. Also forming a Jewish state does not imply killing anyone. This is the low IQ in action.

They fucked really well with your minds using their media and gold

@Afro_Vacancy I bet you didn't like this one


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Historically Jews lived in Israel up until the Romans sent them away. This is a fact backed by archeological evidence. Also forming a Jewish state does not imply killing anyone. This is the low IQ in action.

They fucked really well with your minds using their media and gold

@Afro_Vacancy I bet you didn't like this one
The Canaanites, the Assyrians lived in Palestine thousands of years before Jews. Educate yourself you ignorant, twat.


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The Canaanites, the Assyrians lived in Palestine thousands of years before Jews. Educate yourself you ignorant, twat.

I know. As always, your low IQ makes you imply things. I said that I support Zionism. This means that in my opinion, the Jews deserve the land they inhabited. Never said they had been the only. You are very low IQ.


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Enough with the personal insults.