They are not coordinated but I know it can seem this way to people on forum.
You cant take Freds dislikes too personal
I have like a good 100 from him and it's just how he rolls--does not mean much and I can tell you Fred does not hold grudges really.
Every correspondences is like a clean slate with him...he will dislike if he disagrees with someithinng--I do a similar thing. He does have strong opinions on some subjects but he does change his mind from time to time if he learns something new or is convinced of something.
PJ I have not one nice thing to say about him to be honest--he has me on block. LOL I think though his strong feelings with muslims stems from his home country and the negative changes there.
patrick is awesome
but also his country is being negatively impacted and naturally he has emotions and thoughts on this I am sure.
No clue who Jean is LOL
Muslim is a hot topic here as a lot of peoples lives have been effected by either terrorism in the name of muslim religion OR muslims who are strict in their teachings, move to the West and then not assimilating.
In Europe especially this is a strong impact as a lot of these countries are cultural countries..unlike USA for example where it is many religions and generally speaking its pretty diverse in many areas compared to lets say Italy or Greece with predominantly one shared culture.