Why Finasteride suddenly stopped blocking my serum DHT levels ? How to act now?


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Like I said in my previous post (https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...ance-or-what-blood-tests.133078/#post-1990022). My DHT serum levels came back to my baseline levels before I even start introducing Finasteride, topical and oral as well (at least that my latest blood tests are showing for now). I am thinking now if I should move on to Dutasteride, like a combination of both (2013 study->https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22686691/) or maybe even topical dutasteride. The miniaturization/recession of hairline-temples is still ongoing. I can now see again miniaturized hairs in my left temple that they were bigger and stronger before and they were making a good coverage. It's unbearable and I need to act somehow.. Here's again my DHT/3a-Diol-G levels:
August 2019: Started Topical Finasteride:Baseline levels of DHT: 541 pg/ml
Otober 2019: DHT levels:302 pg/ml
January 2020: DHT levels:298 pg/ml-After starting Oral Finasteride as well ( I was already on it for about 3 weeks-0.5mg 3 times/week)
May 2020: DHT levels:313 pg/ml-I jumped into 1mg daily from 31st of March. I jumped to 0.5mg everyday from mid February
June 2020: DHT levels:283 pg/ml- I even tested 3a-Diol-G which is far a strongest indicator than DHT alone. 3a-Diol-G is a major DHT metabolite and it can converts back to DHT as well. It came low at 1.3 ng/ml while the range is: 3.4-22.
September 2020: DHT levels: 383 pg/ml
January 2021: DHT levels: 550 pg/ml !!! Back to baseline!-I checked as well my PSA levels and it was 0.23 ng/ml but I don't have baseline levels unfortunately.
May 2021 (Latest): I skipped DHT this time and tested only 3a-Diol-G. I got a result of: 16.1 this time!!! It makes sense, doesn't it? Higher DHT->Higher metabolite->Higher Androgenicity overall. I assume that my DHT is still high!

Please, explain me somehow: Even if serum DHT levels do not matter as much as scalp DHT and sensitivity, even if hormones are fluctuating, isn't this something to worry about? I even performed a TrichoTest back in May and guess what? My SRD5A2 (5AR2) activity was still high (!) even though I am on topical and oral Finasteride as well. Then, I checked my 3a-Diol-G and it came way higher (May 2021 result). Also, I was already having a back to baseline DHT level (January 2021). I mean, everything makes sense, my Blood Tests results/TrichoTest results. Everything correlates with each other result.

Thank you very much for your time. Appreciate it as always.
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Stating facts

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Here majority of people are pro finasteride, thus you will see how the drug is god send. In reality, whomsoever I have met (specifically high performing individuals) refrain from this drug because of its unknown sides. There is wonderful thread on the channel 'everyone will have finasteride side effects eventually', search for it and you will find numerous studies.


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Please, any further suggestions/recommendations? Thank you.


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Here majority of people are pro finasteride, thus you will see how the drug is god send. In reality, whomsoever I have met (specifically high performing individuals) refrain from this drug because of its unknown sides. There is wonderful thread on the channel 'everyone will have finasteride side effects eventually', search for it and you will find numerous studies.
You get a like for having used the word "whomsoever" and correctly too as a direct object of the verb to meet.

rapper dude

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I am a person of many talents. A veritable renaissance woman....
I have been taking oral minoxidil now for about 6-8 weeks, no massive shedding but I do have extra hairs in my nose & legs. My eyebrows are like super thick & bushy.

I had appointment with Dermatologist. on Wed who specializes in hair & skin and she inspected my scalp and said he saw no sign alopecia and said she could not prescribe oral (pill) form minoxidil for me. She then said for a man 54 years old my hair was impeccable

Do you think oral minoxidil is the cause after about 6-8 weeks


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I have been taking oral minoxidil now for about 6-8 weeks, no massive shedding but I do have extra hairs in my nose & legs. My eyebrows are like super thick & bushy.

I had appointment with Dermatologist. on Wed who specializes in hair & skin and she inspected my scalp and said he saw no sign alopecia and said she could not prescribe oral (pill) form minoxidil for me. She then said for a man 54 years old my hair was impeccable

Do you think oral minoxidil is the cause after about 6-8 weeks
The cause of the eyebrows getting thicker? Yes, oral minoxidil can increase hair production all over the body. You hair is excellent.

rapper dude

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You think around 8 weeks of taking Minoxidil (drinking) is enough time to show improved growth