Why hair aren't growing long and thick?


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I think i've posted this question before but no one seems to know. So here it goes again. Question is: if you have hair (not going bald; perhaps looks like it because hair isn't thick and long), why aren't they growing longer and thicker? They aren't the peach fuzz type, rather hair that are maybe a few centimeters long but not thick. Anyone? Thanks


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that's DHT attacking your hair follicles. A healthy hair starts going weaker and weaker until it eventually dies.


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ali777 said:
that's DHT attacking your hair follicles. A healthy hair starts going weaker and weaker until it eventually dies.

Assuming you're not going bald...what can cause DHT to attack your hair follicles?


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Let's try a graphical explanation.


Is this what you are talking about?


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ali777 said:
Let's try a graphical explanation.


Is this what you are talking about?

To be honest, i am not sure. It seemed like in your illustration that eventually their won't be any hair left. Thus going bald. My case is a little different. The spots where i have hair but aren't going longer or thicker stayed pretty much the same for about 3 years. If i were going bald, it would happen already.


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Just because you think it should happened by now doesn't mean it won't. When I noticed my hair thinning I thought it would have been gone by now as it seems like hairloss in teens/early 20's is aggressive but guess what? I still have my hair but it doesn't mean I won't go bald. I have the same thing on my temple points and guess what? It is signs of miniaturization.


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Obsidian said:
Just because you think it should happened by now doesn't mean it won't. When I noticed my hair thinning I thought it would have been gone by now as it seems like hairloss in teens/early 20's is aggressive but guess what? I still have my hair but it doesn't mean I won't go bald. I have the same thing on my temple points and guess what? It is signs of miniaturization.

When you notice thinning, did you take any meds? Thus preventing you from getting worse or go bald early?


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Obsidian said:
Just because you think it should happened by now doesn't mean it won't. When I noticed my hair thinning I thought it would have been gone by now as it seems like hairloss in teens/early 20's is aggressive but guess what? I still have my hair but it doesn't mean I won't go bald. I have the same thing on my temple points and guess what? It is signs of miniaturization.

Do you lose hair everyday? If so, how many would you guess?


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First of all you have to understand that we are not doctors here. We are just normal people posting in forums. We are like you worried about our hair and we've done a bit of reading on the subject. So, what we say is an "educated" advice, but your condition might be different.

What you describe sounds like miniaturization and it is the early stages of baldness. Now hearing the word "bald" might send you into panic, but as you say your hair has been like that for a long time and it looks like your baldness is not very aggressive. So, do not panic.

Besides, everyone is supposed to have that thin hair on their hairline and as we age we get a "mature hairline".


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hairnewb101 said:
Do you lose hair everyday? If so, how many would you guess?

Do your research!!! A normal person has about 100,000 hair follicles and hair grows in cycles. At any one given day a normal person should lose about 100 hairs that came to the end of their cycle. After a resting period the same hair follicle will start growing a new hair. In the case of baldness, the hair follicle loses its ability to grow new hair and eventually dies.

hairnewb101 said:
When you notice thinning, did you take any meds? Thus preventing you from getting worse or go bald early?

Before you jump into any meds, you have to understand your condition. Either do your research or see a dermatologist.


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Thanks for your replies. Is it normal to lose about i'd say 30 hairs when you wake up? From anywhere, sides, top, and back, when previously you didn't lose any hair?

When is it that if you lose hair on top, it shows. But if you lose the same amount of hair at the sides or back, it won't show?

Again thanks


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ali777 said:
First of all you have to understand that we are not doctors here. We are just normal people posting in forums. We are like you worried about our hair and we've done a bit of reading on the subject. So, what we say is an "educated" advice, but your condition might be different.

What you describe sounds like miniaturization and it is the early stages of baldness. Now hearing the word "bald" might send you into panic, but as you say your hair has been like that for a long time and it looks like your baldness is not very aggressive. So, do not panic.

Besides, everyone is supposed to have that thin hair on their hairline and as we age we get a "mature hairline".

Actually, i am a bit worry. I am going to take a blood test real soon to determine if i have a thyroid condition. I always believed that my hair loss is due to anxiety and depression. And overall, just too much stress because of a traumatic event. That's when i started losing hair. So the test will confirm that.

Thanks anyway.

uncomfortable man

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Good advice Ali.


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hairnewb101 said:
ali777 said:
First of all you have to understand that we are not doctors here. We are just normal people posting in forums. We are like you worried about our hair and we've done a bit of reading on the subject. So, what we say is an "educated" advice, but your condition might be different.

What you describe sounds like miniaturization and it is the early stages of baldness. Now hearing the word "bald" might send you into panic, but as you say your hair has been like that for a long time and it looks like your baldness is not very aggressive. So, do not panic.

Besides, everyone is supposed to have that thin hair on their hairline and as we age we get a "mature hairline".

Actually, i am a bit worry. I am going to take a blood test real soon to determine if i have a thyroid condition. I always believed that my hair loss is due to anxiety and depression. And overall, just too much stress because of a traumatic event. That's when i started losing hair. So the test will confirm that.

Thanks anyway.

Thing is, anxiety and depression is reported to sort of kick-start androgenetic alopecia (male-pattern baldness). The mechanism of this (stress kickstarting male pattern baldness) is not known, but many have reported it...could just be a coincidence. To be honest, I'd hope that you only have male pattern baldness as thyroid issues can be a multitude of issues including autoimmune disorders. If, in fact, you do have anxiety and depression and it is interfering with yoru daily life I would see your Doctor and maybe he can get you some counseling to help you work through whatever is troubling you or run some blood tests to test for TSH, T3, and T4 (thyroid function)... far more important than propecia and maintaining your hair.


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My Regimen
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hows your diet? getting all the essintial nutrition?


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If you have miniaturized hairs and you are doing treatment, chances are you can salvage those follicles. Begin an anti-DHT right away such as propecia and a stimulant (if so inclined) such as minoxidil. Keep in miind both are life sentences and minoxidil is a pain to apply twice daily. I only apply it once daily and still find it to be a pain in the rear.


Established Member
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how long have you been using minoxidil ?
for me it became part of my routine like brushing my teeth .


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hairnewb101 said:
ali777 said:
that's DHT attacking your hair follicles. A healthy hair starts going weaker and weaker until it eventually dies.

Assuming you're not going bald...what can cause DHT to attack your hair follicles?

DHT isn't something that ATTACKS. DAMN IT I'M SO SICK OF READING THIS. It's a chemical made in your damn hair follicle by 5alpha reductase from testosterone... i just happens to perform some sort of autoimmune targeting.