Why hair aren't growing long and thick?


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kadosh said:
how long have you been using minoxidil ?
for me it became part of my routine like brushing my teeth .

Going on 3 years... I apply it after I wash my face and brush my teeth... so same.


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medmax84 said:
Thing is, anxiety and depression is reported to sort of kick-start androgenetic alopecia (male-pattern baldness). The mechanism of this (stress kickstarting male pattern baldness) is not known, but many have reported it...could just be a coincidence. To be honest, I'd hope that you only have male pattern baldness as thyroid issues can be a multitude of issues including autoimmune disorders. If, in fact, you do have anxiety and depression and it is interfering with yoru daily life I would see your Doctor and maybe he can get you some counseling to help you work through whatever is troubling you or run some blood tests to test for TSH, T3, and T4 (thyroid function)... far more important than propecia and maintaining your hair.

I am not worry about having any autoimmune disorders. My family doesn't have a history of this and i have a pretty good idea of my own medical history.

I just simply want to know if there is a difference in the way hair falls out between somebody havin a thyroid condition and somebody that's going through male pattern baldness.

I mean say you're currently thinning on top. Without taking any meds, does your hair fall out every morning when you wake up? From back, sides, and top? Maybe 5 at a time when you run your hands through?

i don't know how many falls out during shower...but they do fall out. It used to be a lot worse. Believe me.


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ali777 said:
Do your research!!! A normal person has about 100,000 hair follicles and hair grows in cycles. At any one given day a normal person should lose about 100 hairs that came to the end of their cycle. After a resting period the same hair follicle will start growing a new hair. In the case of baldness, the hair follicle loses its ability to grow new hair and eventually dies.

Yes, i understand that 100 hairs per day is normal. What i don't see is normal is if you're not losing more than 2 a day and than suddenly 30 40 50 a day, there's something wrong. Don't you think?


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mj9 said:
hows your diet? getting all the essintial nutrition?

i also think diet is a problem. But i'm taking 3 1200mg fish oils, 1 1000mg black current oil, and 1 pill of centrum a day. I am taking these to just have a peace of mind. Anyway, they're good for you.