Omfg you both have serious problems...First of all DHTINCEL is well known in here for being the ultimate incel, he has a lot of accounts and really thinks that liking and disliking posts from all of them has any effect or something like that, maybe for some of you likes or disliked really matter but i personally find it hilarious it's actually amusing but it's understandable from him considering he has a 13 year old mind... Second of all, his profile pictures are not actually his, he posted recently a picture with him and from my opinion at least, he is a NW0 ethic guy who actually really looks good, but he really has some serious mental problems that would need some psychiatric attention because it's way passed the psychological aspect of the problem... You can all check users comments and history before starting argues or discussions with others because it's easier in a way to see to whom you might be talking to or if you would really like to start a conversation with the respective individual in cause !
But your mentality is fucked up also at least from my opinion
@BiBiBaldy telling people just to "quit life" and pursing girls or women just because you don't think they are attractive enough in finding someone to love them or having a relationship with them, especially an 18 year old virgin who actually looks good and could actually find more than one but he is to stupid and retarded and prefers in wasting time on incel and hair loss forums without actually suffering from hair loss and taking tranny drugs "to stop and reverse it", but he is mentally ill so it's understandable, all the forum know that already... But also from what i read from your "welcome back" post you said that you moved over and passed your hair loss problem, but yet from your comments in which you express your mentality and ideology you did not seem to moved passed it and it seems it actually frustrates you more than ever, admitting that you gave up in trying to have a relationship and focusing on other aspects of your life, but dating and women are part of this life also and it's a natural feeling that's why we all f*****g feel it... And don't get me wrong, it's your decision and life anyways and i respect it and you are right in some way, no women should dictate your life or being without one should mean that life is over, there are a lot of other stuff more important in life as you said and it's actually better to focus more on you and your development in trying to be the best of you even if your in a relationship or not... But saying that as an alternative to just give up in trying to date just because the girls you tried to hook up with rejected you i find it hilarious, are you a virgin by any means and did you not have any relationship of any kind until now ? Being bald and ugly did not stopped a lot of ugly baldies in getting women and kids and never will as much as incels refuse to believe it and there are millions out there who just dismiss their theories... Me for example, i fucked and dated more than i ever did after i got divorced after 11 years and when i started actually balding aggressively but guess what, no women told me nothing about my hair because i don't let them see it as an insecurity, i just f*****g own it just like i owned it until now since i started loosing my hair, even if when i get home and look in the mirror it makes me want to smash it and "cut my head off"... Never give up, we are 8 billion on Earth there is mathematically somebody for somebody else and even if for some it's harder to find and this because most actually don't even f*****g try, preferring in spending time and reading incel forums or just quit trying, instead of actually getting out in the real world and keeping at it ! From most of your mentalities most average men should all kill themselves and fortunate that most are out there and living in the real world, not on this type of forums !
It's not anybody's fault that most of you want to bang only "superficial 10/10 20 year old Stacey's because your standards are so high lol" and even if so, but not investing nothing in your actual appearance and most important, in your attitude, mentality and character ! I actually looked similar with this little incel f***
@DHTcel when i was his age but the only difference between me and him is that i actually lived in the real world and i was surrounded by people and especially girls, at 14 i lost my virginity and until 20 i fucked at least 10 girls, at 20 i had a relationship and got married and had a kid and at 30 got divorced and since then until now already dated a couple of girls while actually balding more than ever and another relationship that has almost 2 years and until i started working remote from home for a company and actually wasting a lot of time on the internet and on this forum trying to find something to save my hair, i never knew that there are this kind of problems in the world and it seems that they are actually only on the internet because of this shitty mentality that has taken over it and with the come of the new generation who it seems that has no benefited from being born right in front of the PC, without actually knowing what real world and living your life in it actually means !
I'm not a "CHAD" and i never was, i always was a good looking guy at least when i had a full head of hair, but never over the edge even then and others near me were always better in my eyes, and with all of that i always had girls because i never stopped trying regardless of how many times i actually got rejected, and i got my fair share... I learned something valuable on this forum and on the internet itself in general in the last period, i learned that there are a lot of mental illnesses and maybe some of them are because of the internet and this forums in the first place but i learned that because of the power of anonymity people actually show their "real faces" and promote their shitty ideologies and theories as actual facts and could actually change someones life and destroy it from the day he was born until the day he dies, miserable on an incel forum that told him that because of his looks he is doomed for life and that he does not deserve nothing and that he should actually end it, from any stand of point ! And i tried to understand and tried to help with words, opinions and advises but i understood that it's impossible and
@DHTcel is the right example that it's actually impossible... As much incels there are on this forums and on the internet itself, the more good people are and they are also getting damaged by this retarded 10IQ incels and ironically by trying to help them... And i made a decision now after i read your comments also and that decision is that i will never visit such a forum in my life, i will maybe lurk it in a couple of years to see if something really comes up in terms of hair loss but never ever in my f*****g life, never will waste time or comment or speak with others like i did, trying to resonate with all the retarded incel f*** idiots of this planet just to understand them or trying to help them, it's a complete waste of time, there are enough of them in the real world also, on the internet profiting of their anonymity it's even worse !
You only have one life fuckers and when the time comes most of you will hit their head so hard on the wall when your gonna look back in time and see how retarded you were and what did you do with your shitty lives, and don't get fooled that time comes for everybody some day and when it comes it will be the worst day of your life and you will really understand then what life really means and how stupid you were, but it's gonna be too late anyways, because it's in the human nature anyways and it seems that it's actually the only way that people actually learn something, or at least most of them, because there are a lot of exceptions also !
Good luck to you all, normal people, trannies, incels, retarded 10IQ f*** ones, hope you all make it in what you proposed and want from life ! I won't answer to any more messages and this is my last comment on this forum, i really wish you all the best and good luck to you all, you all deserve happiness whatever it may be for everyone of you ! And sorry if i offended somebody i know that i am harsh in saying and writing my opinions but never had any hate in them even if it seemed so in some of my comments but never wanted to really offend anybody, i only had the best intentions even if some believe it and some not ! Good luck and all the best !