Why is there still no cure for baldness?


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yes , I know it wasn't meant to be offensive.

I would find a woman with hair more attractive than a bald one , for sure , but I would still find a bald woman attractive.

6- is a bit of hypocrisy then , fishing the small fish to use it a bait for a more bigger fish.

you are right about what comes after 6 , it's all about feeding your snake (and for free ,because of the friendship) , but still , there could be something else than having sex , sex is just the biggest cheese of what you could benefit from such a relationship.

anyway , you sir are a true mathematician.

oh , talking about bald women , muslim women do veil their hair in general (this phenomenon is in a big increase in arabian countries) , and still men are marrying them or hanging out with them. a bald woman or a veiled woman wouldn't be that different for some , because you can't see her hair.

LOL, ur post was too funny hahahahah, thx for the complement though.. takes a lot of studying to become a mathematician of my level bro hahaha xd

I agree with u that some woman are indeed attractive without hair but well hair makes these women even more..

and btw, i rly meant no offense, i started this "argument" mostly cuz i was bored as **** and it was very entertaining hahah


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Because this world sucks and everything is for money. Pharmaceutical industry is against a cure for anything so they can sell shitty medications that barely do anything.

It's pretty easy to discover a cure. You can compare a group of balding and non balding men. You can check anything - craniofacial development, posture, hormones - everything.

This forum is full of people who are bitching that there is no cure and they LOVE it. They LOVE being frustrated with their own situation - that they are just genetically unlucky and there's not much they can't do about it and they refuse to accept something else.

Correcting your posture is the cure!

It's obvious that balding men have poor posture and have poor cranofacial development 9 out of 10 times.

I am probably not the first person who discovered it. Some scientists may have discovered it too but no one took them seriously, so pharmaceutical industry keeps selling sh*t. And not to forget hair transplant clinics. They earn a lot of money.
Balding men have higher average body mass index and abdominal obesity is extremely common within them. This is because male pattern baldness is a result of estrogenisation. Balding is natural for older men, because it's natural for them to have poor posture. It's normal for them to have lower testosterone levels and they are exposed to higher levels of estrogen.

40 years ago in the golden era noone was going bald in his teens or early 20's. This is because today we are exposed to estrogen mimickers and previous generation ate real food and we now eat crap. And the consequence is - men's testosterone levels dropped, the prelevance of obesity increased and men start balding at younger age.

Of course there are people who have poor craniofacial development and posture and are obesese and still have their hair. And this is because everyone is different. Everyone produces hormones in different amount, and have different sensitivity to them.

Those people might be deficient in histamine, PGD2 or another substance and that halts their hair loss or it either doesn't progress or it progresses at an extremely slow rate.


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Because this world sucks and everything is for money. Pharmaceutical industry is against a cure for anything so they can sell shitty medications that barely do anything.

It's pretty easy to discover a cure. You can compare a group of balding and non balding men. You can check anything - craniofacial development, posture, hormones - everything.

This forum is full of people who are bitching that there is no cure and they LOVE it. They LOVE being frustrated with their own situation - that they are just genetically unlucky and there's not much they can't do about it and they refuse to accept something else.

Correcting your posture is the cure!

It's obvious that balding men have poor posture and have poor cranofacial development 9 out of 10 times.

I am probably not the first person who discovered it. Some scientists may have discovered it too but no one took them seriously, so pharmaceutical industry keeps selling sh*t. And not to forget hair transplant clinics. They earn a lot of money.
Balding men have higher average body mass index and abdominal obesity is extremely common within them. This is because male pattern baldness is a result of estrogenisation. Balding is natural for older men, because it's natural for them to have poor posture. It's normal for them to have lower testosterone levels and they are exposed to higher levels of estrogen.

40 years ago in the golden era noone was going bald in his teens or early 20's. This is because today we are exposed to estrogen mimickers and previous generation ate real food and we now eat crap. And the consequence is - men's testosterone levels dropped, the prelevance of obesity increased and men start balding at younger age.

Of course there are people who have poor craniofacial development and posture and are obesese and still have their hair. And this is because everyone is different. Everyone produces hormones in different amount, and have different sensitivity to them.

Those people might be deficient in histamine, PGD2 or another substance and that halts their hair loss or it either doesn't progress or it progresses at an extremely slow rate.
Bro my father has good posture to the point where a physical therapist said that he never saw such good posture before, he is bald.

His father has major posture problems, I mean major, he is still a NW0.

Get over with the lifestyle coping


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Also, I don't need to say that my father raised me like himself, good posture, started to lose hair at 17.


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Because this world sucks and everything is for money. Pharmaceutical industry is against a cure for anything so they can sell shitty medications that barely do anything.

It's pretty easy to discover a cure. You can compare a group of balding and non balding men. You can check anything - craniofacial development, posture, hormones - everything.

This forum is full of people who are bitching that there is no cure and they LOVE it. They LOVE being frustrated with their own situation - that they are just genetically unlucky and there's not much they can't do about it and they refuse to accept something else.

Correcting your posture is the cure!

It's obvious that balding men have poor posture and have poor cranofacial development 9 out of 10 times.

I am probably not the first person who discovered it. Some scientists may have discovered it too but no one took them seriously, so pharmaceutical industry keeps selling sh*t. And not to forget hair transplant clinics. They earn a lot of money.
Balding men have higher average body mass index and abdominal obesity is extremely common within them. This is because male pattern baldness is a result of estrogenisation. Balding is natural for older men, because it's natural for them to have poor posture. It's normal for them to have lower testosterone levels and they are exposed to higher levels of estrogen.

40 years ago in the golden era noone was going bald in his teens or early 20's. This is because today we are exposed to estrogen mimickers and previous generation ate real food and we now eat crap. And the consequence is - men's testosterone levels dropped, the prelevance of obesity increased and men start balding at younger age.

Of course there are people who have poor craniofacial development and posture and are obesese and still have their hair. And this is because everyone is different. Everyone produces hormones in different amount, and have different sensitivity to them.

Those people might be deficient in histamine, PGD2 or another substance and that halts their hair loss or it either doesn't progress or it progresses at an extremely slow rate.

Yeah right Henry Cavill has definitely no Posture and bad craniofacial development. Lmao just shut up already.

And nobody was going bald early 40 years ago? Yeah tell that to Dr Phil who was going bald by the age of 13 lol. Science doesn't accept your "theory" because it's rubbish that's it. You sound like these delusional clowns that believe the earth is flat.


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Bro my father has good posture to the point where a physical therapist said that he never saw such good posture before, he is bald.

His father has major posture problems, I mean major, he is still a NW0.

Get over with the lifestyle coping

No way! I don't believe you. Every balding guy see had bad posture and in some cases it's horrible. You either lie or didn't notice that your father walks with his head facing forward all the time.

Yeah right Henry Cavill has definitely no Posture and bad craniofacial development. Lmao just shut up already.

And nobody was going bald early 40 years ago? Yeah tell that to Dr Phil who was going bald by the age of 13 lol. Science doesn't accept your "theory" because it's rubbish that's it. You sound like these delusional clowns that believe the earth is flat.

Dr. Phil wasn't going bald at 13, he started going bald at 16 and he has very poor cranofacial development. Look at his head shape - it looks like pear.
And Henry Cavil is NOT going bald!


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No way! I don't believe you. Every balding guy see had bad posture and in some cases it's horrible. You either lie or didn't notice that your father walks with his head facing forward all the time.

Dr. Phil wasn't going bald at 13, he started going bald at 16 and he has very poor cranofacial development. Look at his head shape - it looks like pear.
And Henry Cavil is NOT going bald!
Henry Cavill is going bald. That's a fact. He did something but was a very pronounced NW3 at some point.

This is a balding man:


And yes you can look at old pics from Dr Phil when he was 13/14 and see that it is already starting. By 16 he was a NW3 already.


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No way! I don't believe you. Every balding guy see had bad posture and in some cases it's horrible. You either lie or didn't notice that your father walks with his head facing forward all the time.

Dr. Phil wasn't going bald at 13, he started going bald at 16 and he has very poor cranofacial development. Look at his head shape - it looks like pear.
And Henry Cavil is NOT going bald!
Believe it or not, your theory is incorrect and I have proof for that. Keep coping


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Believe it or not, your theory is incorrect and I have proof for that. Keep coping

I don't believe it until I see it.

Believe it or not, your theory is incorrect and I have proof for that. Keep coping

Henry Cavil is just Norwood 3. Hair loss may stop at any Norwood and last forever. I think he's not on finasteride and he's just programmed to stay like that. His father isn't totally bald.
And how do you know If he hasn't poor posture. Have you seen him walking?
He probably does! Since he's recededing that means that his frontal follicles at the temples are in chronic continuous tension.

Balding men have their neck muscles in continuous tension. Then this tension propagates through the myofascia trough to the galea. There is a proof that balding men's galea is in tension. This tension occurs exactly where the Norwood starts. If that wasn't true there wouldn't be a pattern in male pattern baldness.


Also injecting bottom in the surrounding muscles of the galea results in hair growth. And hair loss stops.


Look at that study! That's what a correcting poor posture would do. Halt hair loss and get 18% increase in hair loss. Then you have to follow a low carbs diet, do scalp massages and you hair will regrow to full extent. Even the diet itself may have regrowing properties.

And it's a fact that most balding men have poor craniofacial development.

I posted two bunches of balding men to prove.


Look at his craniofacial development.

Or his:
Also poor craniofacial development.

And he does

And he

And so on.

Look at their jawline to galea ratio. How wider is the galea compared to their jawline. Having such headshape is common in balding men.

I can even show a picture of the galea aponeurotica and how similar it looks to norwood 7 horseshoe the distribution of muscles look.


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I don't believe it until I see it.

Henry Cavil is just Norwood 3. Hair loss may stop at any Norwood and last forever. I think he's not on finasteride and he's just programmed to stay like that. His father isn't totally bald.
And how do you know If he hasn't poor posture. Have you seen him walking?
He probably does! Since he's recededing that means that his frontal follicles at the temples are in chronic continuous tension.

Balding men have their neck muscles in continuous tension. Then this tension propagates through the myofascia trough to the galea. There is a proof that balding men's galea is in tension. This tension occurs exactly where the Norwood starts. If that wasn't true there wouldn't be a pattern in male pattern baldness.


Also injecting bottom in the surrounding muscles of the galea results in hair growth. And hair loss stops.


Look at that study! That's what a correcting poor posture would do. Halt hair loss and get 18% increase in hair loss. Then you have to follow a low carbs diet, do scalp massages and you hair will regrow to full extent. Even the diet itself may have regrowing properties.

And it's a fact that most balding men have poor craniofacial development.

I posted two bunches of balding men to prove.


Look at his craniofacial development.

Or his:
Also poor craniofacial development.

And he does

And he

And so on.

Look at their jawline to galea ratio. How wider is the galea compared to their jawline. Having such headshape is common in balding men.

I can even show a picture of the galea aponeurotica and how similar it looks to norwood 7 horseshoe the distribution of muscles look.
Yes I've seen him walk and he does not have poor posture.
Yes he is balding and had a transplant. He does not have poor craniofacial development. I don't have it either. Johnny Depp was balding and he does not have poor craniofacial development/posture either. Your theory is wrong. End of story.


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Why is there no cure? Because it’s primarily sex dependent. Males suffer greatly from baldness & thinning. Women still have lots of hair. I think it’s nature’s way to put a premium on women for mating purposes.