Why not grow out the horseshoe?


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try this hairstyle?



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'I like the horseshoe look on some guys than a shaved head. some people just dont look right with no hair at all. take jack nicholson for example. in my opinion he looks way better with the little hair he has instead of the completely shaved look.'

But then Jack Nicholson is not a Norwood 7 with only a horseshoe. He isnt even close. Hes barely even a Norwood 6, in fact hes closer to a Norwood 5 because he still has enough hair on the top of his head to actually frame his face, even if it is receded badly. This is a mistake lots of people make about him. If he was a Norwood 7 with it grown out then trust me, hed look a lot lot worse. As it is, he is still far away from being a proper nw7.


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Ok, Norwood 7 growouts do look fugly, but the horseshoe growout is fine. Thats what I do, and no one even has a clue im balding. I know of a lot of guys who do it too, and it looks a lot better than totally shaving it off or cutting it super short.

If you do the horseshoe growout, you can usually push your hair forward so your receeding spots are not even visible. A lot of girls like it grown out too even with the horseshoe there.

Captain Obvious

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porajj said:
Ok, Norwood 7 growouts do look fugly, but the horseshoe growout is fine. Thats what I do, and no one even has a clue im balding. I know of a lot of guys who do it too, and it looks a lot better than totally shaving it off or cutting it super short.

If you do the horseshoe growout, you can usually push your hair forward so your receeding spots are not even visible. A lot of girls like it grown out too even with the horseshoe there.
What norwood are you advocating this hairstyle for then?

And you're right about the girls... I think they like it grown out because they want at least something to run their fingers through.