I agre with some of what you're saying but you have a warped view of masculinity. a man should be more than some primitive, room temperature IQ having beast who's only concerned with fighting and f*****g.
ironically, such a limited view of masculinity is a modern invention. in the past men were supposed to be tough and strong, that much is true, but also emotional and refined.
during the middle ages men were widely viewed as the more sensitive gender, and romantic poetry and art was seen as quintessential masculine. women were also seen as emotional but more fickle and frivolous, without the same pathos as men
the ancient Greeks had a similar ideal of masculinity. in their classical theater all female roles were played by men with masks. same with the Noh theatre of historical Japan.
all those cultures I mentioned were very patriarchal, strong and honourable. and defy your lowbrow, caveman tier definition of masculinity.
don't let women define what being a man entails