Why the horseshoe pattern?

Armando Jose

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Mr. Foote write:
"Armando, the difference is due to different levels of androgens in the sexes. Please tell me how my theory can't explain the sex difference in balding??? "

I don`t think that there is a very different levels of androgens in healthy scalp hairs in men and women, and the lymphatic system is the same in both sexes.



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So, Armando, do you have ANY evidence at all to support your theory that hair loss is caused somehow by sebum?


S Foote.

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Armando Jose said:
Mr. Foote write:
"Armando, the difference is due to different levels of androgens in the sexes. Please tell me how my theory can't explain the sex difference in balding??? "

I don`t think that there is a very different levels of androgens in healthy scalp hairs in men and women, and the lymphatic system is the same in both sexes.


Have you got any evidence for similar levels of androgens in the follicles of both sexes Armando?

S Foote.


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:freaked: :freaked2: :freaked:


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wookiewannabe said:


:freaked: :freaked2: :freaked:

Exellent Site!

Could someone more intelligent than me draw some conclusions from this?

michael barry

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On the body hair transplants.......................

If you look at the pictures, the body hair DOES NOT gain the diameter that scalp hair (donor area hair especially) does. Its just not as thick. Dr. Ray Woods, the Australian transplant Doctor who started FUE's and did the first body hair work, states that body hair will usually only get about three times as long as it grew on the body. Woods also cautions men that "scalp hair is still the king" on his website.

Other hormones in the scalp skin are thought to charge the body hair thats moved there to grow longer. One in particular has a very long name.............something like 17-betahydroxy-somethinglongandhardtopronounce..............anyhoo, body hair moved to the scalp and growing better doesnt necessarily prove or disprove "donor" dominace when it comes to head hair follicles according to Woods.

By the way, some of the men who got the body hair are VERY SORR they have done so. In some men, their signalling environment isnt condusive to the body hair growing on the head, and they wind up with short, kinky hair up there that NEVER looks anything like scalp hair. According to Woods and Cole, if your body hair grew long and thick on your body.........it will proboably grow pretty good on your head, but if its short and light, you might be making a mistake. Unscrupulous docs over at hairsite push body hair because they are getting rich off of it. One Doctor even states he would move hair off your toes to your head to give you a full head of hair. What he doesnt tell you is that you would be spending over 200 thousand to go from a Norwood 6 to a NW2 or so, with thinnish coverage of hair that may look awful. Its a risk. I would recommend it to buff up depleted donor areas or for men who are stuck with no other alternative.


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I didn't read all the previous posts...but I think the horseshoe pattern might be a sign of maturity.. kind of like the silver back gorilla comes of age and produces silver hair on his back. And this is a signal to females that the male has indeed reached his prime and is suitable mating material. Or something like that....


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zender said:
Thanks for the link Wookie!!!
Finally, a theory that makes sense.

No, actually it's a steaming pile of dog-sh*t! :D

Add a third name to the list of people with kook theories of balding: Stephen Foote, Armando Jose, and David M. Hatch.


S Foote.

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