Will i get my hairline back? (pictures)


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Started using rogain on hairline and finasteride 1.25g a month ago. will i get my hairline back?

here are some pictures, its mostly my temples. and can anyone tell me if i have male pattern baldness? also my right temple is a lot worse then my left one, I comb my hair to the right so you can't really see it, but if my left temple becomes like my right temple i would look so bad. I'm really depressed about this hairless i think about it all day.



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Depends on so many factors. When did you start losing your hairline? How fast or rapid is your hairloss? How old are you? If you are under 30 and are NW2+, chances are you won't get your hairline back, you should be lucky to even maintain, but thats unlikely as well.

g.i joey

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Maintaining is Def likely. With finasteride regrowth is considered general thickening of areas that had less density. You won't regrow your hairline though.
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Regrowth of the hairline you had before will be very unlikely. Your hair follicles in your bald area became so much smaller and weaker already that it also would not bring much to stop the DHT supply to them now. But you will probably be able to maintain your current hairline, yay!


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Started using rogain on hairline and finasteride 1.25g a month ago. will i get my hairline back?

here are some pictures, its mostly my temples. and can anyone tell me if i have male pattern baldness? also my right temple is a lot worse then my left one, I comb my hair to the right so you can't really see it, but if my left temple becomes like my right temple i would look so bad. I'm really depressed about this hairless i think about it all day.


don't use finasteride bro, its just friendly advice ... you can use minux or other stuff but do not use finasteride ...


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Why do you say he can't get his hairline back? I saw many guys on this forum who had hair in a worse situation than him and that regrew their hairline... I'm not saying he will but I think it is possible


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You already have a good hairline with some mild recession so maintaining should be easy but regrowth is much harder to achieve and then maintaining it. If these drugs were cures, we all would regrow and maintain. That is why hair transplants become a last resort.


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You have a mature hairline but I don't think I'd call that recession. You found it early, so maintaining will be possible if you react to the meds :)
Good luck!

michel sapin

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hi man, i was in the same situation as you . i started to see my hairline receding , with a lot of miniaturized hair . I jumped on propecia , then 15 month later my hairline is still receding , ive lost all the vellu hair and i passed from a Norwood 1,25 to almost Norwood 3 .


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Atm your hairline looks fine, don't stress too much, stay healthy and hope for the best :)


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so i have been on propecia 1.25mg for 40 days now and rogain foam on hairline only. My hairline is still receding and I'm shedding quite a bit. when can i expect finasteride to kick in and stop the hairloss??


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so i have been on propecia 1.25mg for 40 days now and rogain foam on hairline only. My hairline is still receding and I'm shedding quite a bit. when can i expect finasteride to kick in and stop the hairloss??

It's doubtful your hair has "receded" in 40 days. Both of those medications cause an initial shed, so that is what you might be seeing. This means more hair will fall out than normal because your follicle is pushing out the dying hair to start regrowing thicker hairs. You could also just be imagining that you are "balder" now...this happens to all of us. We all think we're worse off than we are usually. Your hair is still very thick and full and your recession is minor, so even if you don't "regrow" I imagine that your hair will thicken up enough at the hairline to where it won't be noticeable.

The main thing that kills all of us is the waiting. Hair treatments can take a very long time to work...sometimes 8 months to a year before you start to notice results. Usually never before 4-6 months. So you have a while to wait out.

If you have no sides from finasteride, just chill and keep taking it and just patient. From what I know, finasteride STOPS or SLOWS DHT pretty much right away, which means if you are shedding more now, it's not your balding, it is the mechanism of the drug like I said. Nobody's balding speeds up after 6 weeks on finasteride, especially if you are combining it with minoxidil.

I know it sucks, just be patient.


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quick update, my hairline is still receding, at an even faster rate than before starting treatments. what the **** is this ****! i can literally see the difference day by ****ing day! finasteride and Rogain aren't doing fck all!


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quick update, my hairline is still receding, at an even faster rate than before starting treatments. what the **** is this ****! i can literally see the difference day by ****ing day! finasteride and Rogain aren't doing fck all!

Sorry to hear that I understand how it feels.. Could you show us your current hairline that you said its still receding?
You could also add Ketoconazole shampoo to your regimen, Regenepure DR or Revita


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funny that you say that, i actually purchased nizoral shampoo yesterday... here is how my hair looks now : http://postimg.org/gallery/jq4gjs64/
I don't see any change. I think if you pull your hair up hard enough with your hand like you do in the photo you are going to make it look like its worse than it is. You have such thick hair and great density. Are you Hispanic or Mediterranean? And how old are you?


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hispanic and im 18 years old. my hair might look thick in the picture but it has thinned out a lot. i used to have really thick hair and hairdressers would always comment on it. also the hair on my sides like above the ear is really thin and falls out really easily