Women Are Not Worth The Trouble Anymore


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I wish. The gym is weird, when I come into a area people scatter away. Or if it's packed and I bring my Dumbbells over to a packed area in front of a mirror beside someone they just move away to something else.. super weird I must give off a serial killer vibe.

You should go up to a hot woman or decent looking woman whatever and offer to help her with her form.

not even kidding...do it friendly and professional like at first don't be flirty about it...

then strike up a conversation tell them you just moved.

keep it short and sweet.

be friendly with the women at your gym...let them think you are a nice friendly guy NOT hitting on them

then once you have gotten that in and wave and are able to make small talk on treadmill etc...you can either 1. find out if they are single...and if so proceed accordingly (wanna get coffee after we work out?) 2. if they are attached let them know you are looking to meet someone maybe they know an attractive single woman..this is of course risky but be honest about what you like looks wise.

at the very least it will get you talking to people.


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I think @Baldhurts is a notorious Kentrey in a goodlooking body


And other videos like:

He has strong aspergers and 5'2 so...


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Are you wealthy or is it Asian women tend to assume Americans and Europeans are wealthy?
Not wealthy by western standards for my age. But my income is higher than 95% of Vietnamese men, I am also white, average looking, intelligent, kind, and have no baggage (wife and kids), so by their standards I am a catch.

In the UK, I can get dates but not with the same ease as what I find myself with in Vietnam.


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Your answer is basically

find a good looking girl who does not think too much and has been brainwashed by the bible to be submissive in nature and look at sex as a pure thing just for reproduction.

Yes! he and you should go for those types of women..Please do!
hey I never made any rude comments to you. You are stereotyping and to the extreme.

"sex as a pure thing just for reproduction." - shows your lack of knowledge here, it is also to be a special bond between spouses unitive in nature, and it is - when the couple does not fall for the pornographic and fornicative tricks of the world making the experience cheap.

"brainwashed by the bible to be submissive" - again extreme. Liberal feminists only quote "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." and make a big fuss, then purposely neglect the following "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy"

Basically, a conservative girl would be way easier to live with than a liberal - just look at all the libs showing their true colors since the US election.


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hey I never made any rude comments to you. You are stereotyping and to the extreme.

"sex as a pure thing just for reproduction." - shows your lack of knowledge here, it is also to be a special bond between spouses unitive in nature, and it is - when the couple does not fall for the pornographic and fornicative tricks of the world making the experience cheap.

"brainwashed by the bible to be submissive" - again extreme. Liberal feminists only quote "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." and make a big fuss, then purposely neglect the following "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy"

Basically, a conservative girl would be way easier to live with than a liberal - just look at all the libs showing their true colors since the US election.

I was no rude to 'you' i gave a response. I think religion is not a friend to women. The way you and OP describe women it just reads like weak men who cant tolerate opinionated women..LOL Okay.

You then accuse me of stereotyping and then you go ahead and stereotype

PS if you think those women are just liberal feminists you are over counting the number of liberal feminists in the world...a lot of those women are republican and independent and non voters as well...i cannot tell you how many republican women i know who are disgusted by Trump.
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Yul Brenner

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Simple solution- become a gay!
Thats it. Just start sucking ducks. Every guy knows they have thought about it and if they deny it they are lying. You don't have to kiss or do a***, both of which are gross and make no sense, there is no such thing as "gay love". Kinsey proved everyone is bisexuality, every study ever done proves it.

Just drink enough to get the courage to try it. Once you've felt and tasted a nice dick in your mouth you won't be able to stop and you won't miss pussy, it isn't worth it. And you can always truthfully tell yourself that you are just bi since true"gay" is a rare mental illness caused by brain abnormalities and everyone is bi they just lie to themselves about it.

Go out there and wrap your lips around your buddy's dick. But make sure he's bi because true gays are insane drama queens and snitch you out every time. You can tell they are gay because they never like being sucked, dead giveaway.

I dont care what anybody thinks. 99% of the guys who have sucked a dick aren't really gay. Every guy who pretends to be offended here knows he has always wanted to try it