Visiting this forum for the first time in probably a year.
I was pretty upset when I first noticed male pattern baldness. My hair was a good responder to Nizoral and Rogaine so I'm pretty fortunate and still have a thick head of hair at 24. Even though my hair is fine I found other things to despair about and my life isn't fine.
The problem is not the hair loss, the problem is my self-image. After realizing I stabilized at a NW1.5 my concern quickly shifted to my bad skin and acne... I had to fix it. Went on accutane, fixed that. Concerns immediately shifted to my ugly teeth. Spent 3k on a crown lengthening surgery, going for invisalign consultation next month.
I'm unhappy with my physique and I've got a workout routine going, because I need to get bigger and stronger and leaner. I want a nosejob. I'm too short to be accepted and respected at 5'8".
My point is the real problem is me, not balding. I might have body dysmorphic disorder. Or maybe I really am this ugly and all these things will improve my career and friendships and sex and romantic life.