wont use finasteride... what should I start with?


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Menspharma told me they would take back any unopened boxes for a full refund. This has to be one of the better companies I have ever dealt with online. However, I'm thinking maybe I'll give it a little time and buy some cu peptides and maybe that neutrogena shampoo. The problem is if I return eucapil I might as well throw in the towel because there is nothing else that I think is worth using at this point.


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viperfish said:
Menspharma told me they would take back any unopened boxes for a full refund. This has to be one of the better companies I have ever dealt with online. However, I'm thinking maybe I'll give it a little time and buy some cu peptides and maybe that neutrogena shampoo. The problem is if I return eucapil I might as well throw in the towel because there is nothing else that I think is worth using at this point.

Dude i get no irritation from eucapil, but i get dandruff around the areas where i put Regain. My hair is getting much better, was having lunch in the city with my girl friend and she said how good my hair looks, and asked if I had done something with it! I have been using Regain for about a month and Eucapil for 8 days now.



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kevinme said:
Why not use Spirolactone?

To tell you the truth I think spironolactone is fairly useless. I have never heard one good account from someone using the stuff (besides someone who is also using minoxidil with it). Secondly, spironolactone 2% caused alot of irritation problems for me more quickly and more so than eucapil is right now. The 5% spironolactone version I don't really buy into. The double-blind-placebo controlled test was completed using a 3% spironolactone solution in alcohol (as the delivery vehicle). The 5% contains no alcohol so I don't really think it will be all that effective. spironolactone is a weaker anti-androgen than fluridil and most likely has a shorter half-life. I used spironolactone 2% for 3 months and it also irritated my scalp. I would put up with a little irritation from eucapil, but not from spironolactone.


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viperfish said:
Menspharma told me they would take back any unopened boxes for a full refund. This has to be one of the better companies I have ever dealt with online. However, I'm thinking maybe I'll give it a little time and buy some cu peptides and maybe that neutrogena shampoo. The problem is if I return eucapil I might as well throw in the towel because there is nothing else that I think is worth using at this point.

I think you should keep trying, I know that Neutrogena do some good shampoos for very sensitive scalps, maybe those are a better bet for you?



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Viper, I got a bottle of folligen therapy spray and it will probably last me over 3 months... that's less than $10/month for something that has helped lots of people who have scalp irritation with topicals like Rogaine (and undoubtedly Eucapil). If I were you, I'd get some Folligen ASAP and use at least a month's worth of that Eucapil to see how your scalp handles it.


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Thanks guys! I think I will try to last the month and see what happens. I was looking at my scalp today and it is not inflammed or red, but is still kinda itchy. When do you apply your folligen? I have used folligen in the past and I don't think I could use it during the day because it kinda leaves the hair a mess. I can't apply it at night because that is when I apply the fluridil.


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Heh, I have a shaved head, so it barely matters when I apply anything. But when I had hair, I applied Folligen in the morning. It shouldn't leave your hair a mess, as it acts more as a conditioner than any other product you're likely to use. The only product I've had a bad "messy" problem with is Revivogen, which I use at night. Otherwise I use Eucapil or Folligen in the morning.


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Were these pictures taken at the same time or what? Your hair looks a lot different in the top picture compared to the bottom upon first glance, so just wondering. =)


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The top one is of my left side, and the bottom of the right, they were taken at the same time yesterday.

What difference do you notice?



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I think it's because the lighting is different and the distance of your head from the camera is slightly different.


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I think he's using Eucapil, which is what I predict a whole BUNCH of people will be using a year from now. Only recently has it started to become pretty easy to get this stuff if you're living in the USA, so there still haven't been that many people experimenting with it on these boards...but just you wait...just you wait!!!

I'm on week 3, myself, with nothing too confident to report. My hair is just now getting long enough to be able to monitor my shedding, but I don't know if I'll keep it that long... will probably keep shaving until the winter time, at which point I'll be able to grow out my hair (or not) and accurately assess whether this Eucapil stuff is the BEST THING EVER.

Full Head of Hair

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I just oreder some Eupacal from menspharma.com so I'll hope that this works well for me.


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bluesmiley said:
I think he's using Eucapil, which is what I predict a whole BUNCH of people will be using a year from now. Only recently has it started to become pretty easy to get this stuff if you're living in the USA, so there still haven't been that many people experimenting with it on these boards...but just you wait...just you wait!!!

I'm on week 3, myself, with nothing too confident to report. My hair is just now getting long enough to be able to monitor my shedding, but I don't know if I'll keep it that long... will probably keep shaving until the winter time, at which point I'll be able to grow out my hair (or not) and accurately assess whether this Eucapil stuff is the BEST THING EVER.

Yes i am, but can you see the little thick black hairs growing along my hair line? Is that normal or is it due to Eucapil?



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Full Head of Hair said:
I just oreder some Eupacal from menspharma.com so I'll hope that this works well for me.

It seems like you would've stopped hairloss dead in its track with the regimen you have already. Are you still losing hair?


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Demlotcrew said:
bluesmiley said:
I think he's using Eucapil, which is what I predict a whole BUNCH of people will be using a year from now. Only recently has it started to become pretty easy to get this stuff if you're living in the USA, so there still haven't been that many people experimenting with it on these boards...but just you wait...just you wait!!!

I'm on week 3, myself, with nothing too confident to report. My hair is just now getting long enough to be able to monitor my shedding, but I don't know if I'll keep it that long... will probably keep shaving until the winter time, at which point I'll be able to grow out my hair (or not) and accurately assess whether this Eucapil stuff is the BEST THING EVER.

Yes i am, but can you see the little thick black hairs growing along my hair line? Is that normal or is it due to Eucapil?


I don't really know what normal is for you, and I find it hard to believe you'd be growing NEW hairs of that length within 3 weeks, but who knows just how effective Eucapil really is at this point? Those tiny black hairs look pretty long, and it seems like they would've had to start growing as soon as you started applying Eucapil. That may or may not be possible...I really don't know.

Eucapil does, purportedly, work very fast, though, and peaks very quickly. It seems to yield peak hairloss reduction/reversion in 3 months, then I'm sure gradual thickening and maintenance occurs after that.

Fallout Boy

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i wish there were more studies done on Eucipal or Fluridil ..

Do we know for 100% fact that it actually works?


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fallout boy said:
i wish there were more studies done on Eucipal or Fluridil ..

Do we know for 100% fact that it actually works?

No, no, if we knew for 100% fact it worked, we wouldn't be lurking around in the "Experimental New Treatments" section talking it up. :wink:

What we have is one good study (which did, unfortunately or not, involve fluridil patent-holding scientists), and a slew of positive testimonials on boards such as these (especially on hairlosshelp.com).

It is no sure thing, but the study we DO have on it is in a respected peer-reviewed medical journal, AND there's a lot of positive chatter about it from people having used it for 6 months or more. That's more than we have for most hair loss treatments on the market today, besides the obvious finasteride and minoxidil products.

For me, it's mostly an educated hunch that the stuff is completely legit, and I'm willing to take the $300 and 6 month risk of seeing if it works for myself. I know what my hair loss situation was before ever starting topicals, and I'll know in 6 months, hopefully, whether this made a discernible impact in my existing regimen.