Working on getting my hairline back! BigTX's log


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I'm currently just using the big 3. Only thing is flaking and itchiness from the Kirklands minoxidil. Itchiness only lasts like 30 minutes post-application

Im starting to get dandruff from Kirkland minoxidil solution. Does it better after a while?

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The only reason I know it's Kirkland is because I've never had dandruff in my entire life.


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I've tried only 2 liquids so far… One was a generic Walgreens version that I was using for only 2.5 weeks twice a day and then switched to Kirklands because my dandruff was pretty bad. Kirklands twice a day didn't make much of a difference in the first few days, so I got scared and decided to use it once a day. It's what I've been doing for the last month and a half(ish) and now my flaking is considerably not as bad as the double-dose. It hasn't really gotten better I would say, flaking wise of course, but it got to a better point and just stayed there. Fingers crossed it will improve, haha, but I don't know this might not be temporary thing!

1x/day is still doing some awesome work though. I would definitely recommend trying it if your flaking ever gets too bad


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My plan is to continue with foam in the am and the Kirkland at the pm until I run out. I have quite a lot left in my supply cause I bought it in bulk. The foam will run out first.


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Update 5/3/14

I shed a lot yesterday. It was the first day in a while since I've shed an exceptional amount like I was doing back before the meds. It's actually just now starting to get hot in Texas, so I'm hoping it might just be a seasonal thing.


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Update 5/3/14

Just picked up Kirkland's foam 5% to use during the morning, and then I'll be continuing with the liquid at night. Itchiness and dandruff from the liquid is still present so I'll have to keep an eye on it while using the foam now as well.

I shed a lot yesterday. It was the first day in a while since I've shed an exceptional amount like I was doing back before the meds. It's actually just now starting to get hot in Texas, so I'm hoping it might just be a seasonal thing.

keep a log of the days you have exceptionally big sheds, maybe there is a pattern in the long run, like since the first time you started using finasteride. Like if you have a big shed every 5 months or something like that.


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Wow your progress is amazing! I'm kinda jelly now ugh

Shedding might not be a bad thing, it could just be the catagen hairs falling out for the new anagen ones to grow.

I suspect it's your DR procedure that's causing such rapid regrowth, you might want to consider adding in Emu oil to fight the dandruff and moisturise your scalp, since the scalp environment determines the follicles health.


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I actually account the regrowth to the liquid minoxidil, I stopped rolling months ago!

I keep hearing emu oil to offset the minoxidil dandruff so I might look into it if I ever want to add something to the regimen. So far I'm just cruising on The 3


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I apply a cream with emu oil and MSM I found at Walgreens all over my scalp about 30 minutes after applying Kirkland minoxidil to the hairline and temples.

I think this +nizoral is helping fight off dandruff.


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Update 5/20/14

Hair loss at 8 months into treatment is a little confusing, but goods news is that the amount of tiny and slightly colored hairs I was losing for the longest time are no longer appearing everywhere. Bad news is that I'm still losing regular length hair, not a lot but definitely more than the average amount. No idea where it's coming from, the crown has always been fine and my hairline isn't receding anymore.

The hairline terminal hairs are getting slightly longer. If I pull my hairline back it almost looks like a NW1, just a tiny bit more regrowth and it would be perfect. In the end if what I have right now continues to thicken and grow out it would be just as fine.
I'm really just trying to stay patient until I can be doing one of these updates at a year, everything positive that's been happening has happened so slowly. The liquid is accelerating it a bit, but I really think that at this pace I could see some satisfactory results once I hit twelve months.

I never started the foam Kirklands, I'm going to hold off on it for a while and keep the liquid 1x/day going. Residue is still appearing after application, but I don't think it really has a negative impact.


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Dark Link

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Is your Dad still on finasteride bigtexassexy? I would be very curious to see pics of his before and after. Also how many years has he been on the drug? The fact that father and son handle the drug well makes me think the side effects might actually very well be genetic. I'm curious to hear more about this.


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Howdy everyone.

It's been a while. Moved out to college in an entirely different state with not a soul that I knew. Made a bunch of new friends who are all great people. Academics are tough, but not impossible. Life is far from terrible, but it would undoubtedly be so much better without this lingering thought of misshaped identity in the back of my mind. Honestly, since moving, it's kind of been nice to see other balding bros around campus. Not even guys older than 20, but I've met a few who are my age that are going through this. Kind of makes my problem feel a bit smaller.

So to catch you guys up since that last time I updated... I think I'm at 13 months now. About my second week into college, the flaking and irritation from the liquid minoxidil played into me just being too tired to keep up with everything. So I took a 3 week break from minoxidil. I kept up with the propecia and nizoral, I just couldn't feel like it was worth it anymore to apply the liquid for the millionth time. I picked up some foam a little more than a week ago and I'm pretty sure the flaking is now in the past, which is nice.

Honestly, there's been a plateau of progress since the last pics. I was hoping my little hairs would start to grow out at last but they're still hanging out at an itty bitty length. What pains the most is that, although it's pretty thinned out into a NW2.5/3, it still has the shape of a 1. It's there but I can't resurrect it. But seriously, that doesn't mean anything. Over a year with all this and I've learned, as awful as this sounds, to have ZERO hope about positive progress. Just accept The 3 is the only thing you can do and commit. I'll update in a few weeks, I just felt like sharing for now. Thanks


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You tried your best... Im surprise the big 3 didn't do more....but your hair still looks good...
Don't despair and not continue treatment...


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13 month update

I switched back to generic minoxidil after a month of no use, and then a month and a half-ish later I stopped finasteride for about three weeks. With the liquid minoxidil my hairline always had residue that stayed in my hair and my scalp always felt dry. The foam switch helped, and I eventually temporally stopped with finasteride because I just felt like it

I still feel like I'm losing an abnormal amount of hair, and I really have been losing a freakish amount at the sides, but overall I think I've improved a bit. I trimmed all the little wimp hairs at both sides of my hairline, trying not get the terminal ones. I recently did it to my right side, but I've left the left side alone for a while now.

September 29, 2014


January 18, 2015



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Wow awsome thanks for coming back and sharing your progress what a change!